need help picking out a guitar for my friend


Jun 3, 2004
my friend is getting a new guitar soon, it'll be his 2nd guitar and hes looking for one around the price 500-600 canadian dollars thats decent for heavy metal and has a fairly good wammy bar thing, anyone have any suggestions that we could look into?
yeah, they dont have a wammy bar but i guess a guitar worth 500$ wouldnt have a good wammy bar... unless we try a pawn shop
Forget about pawn shops, unless you go there with a very knowlegeable person. I wouldn't trust these instruments.
Maybe your friend would like to gather 100$-200$ more to get a NJ series BC Rich or a Jackson. If not then I guess Ibanez have the best guitars for 500$ but it's not that good if you ask me.
well if he were to go to a pawn shop hed go with my friends dad who has played guitar for about 40 years and just got his son a $2500 gibson les paul at a pawnshop, they always go to pawn shops so that wouldnt be a problem but ill look into these nj series bc richs and some jacksons
Bc rich and jackson have bad pickups, no balls, just treble and squeal like a pig...
Ibanez is cheap and good. Does anybody know about ESP and Washburn pricing?
ESPs are way too expensive in Canada in my opinion. And if I were to buy an ESP I would get a Deluxe series or something else with stock EMGs cause the HZs sucks ass.