Need help please


Jul 10, 2007
My band is going to make a CD soon with 12 tracks on it. We were planning on recording it ourselves with our own equipment because were tight on money and can't afford to record at the places around where we live. Now, my question is...once were done recording and we have a final product, how do we go about making duplications, a design laser printed on the CD, album sleeves etc. Were kinda new at this so I was wondering if somebody could help us out, this being our first time doing anything like this. Thank you if you have any input :p
Some questions for you...
1/ how long has the band been together?
2/ what is the average age?
3/ how long have you been playing your instruments?
4/ how often do you rehearse?
5/ how often and how many gigs have you played?
6/ what is the average crowd at your gigs that are not personal friends of the band?
7/ what is the budget to produce the final cd?
If you answer the questions honestly, I will be able to advise you how to go about it, with a good option for your band.
OH, and I am not selling any thing.
There are companies who do this stuff for you. It costs a bit but the end prooduct is pro looking. Look on the web or on local forums to find out who is good in your area. Also get the sleeve done by someone who knows what they are doing. Don't just photoshop something and expect it to look as good as cd's in the shops. If you know anyone who is into graphic design or is an artist they cn help you out. You'll probably know someone whop can do this for very little money.
What equipment do you have? I don't recommend making a cd by yourself if you don't know what you're doing really. It'll sound like ass and make your band look bad. Go check out the Andy Sneap form on UM. This will help you with the recording.
Good luck with it.