Need Help Regarding POD X3 live Ex. Pedal

Sep 8, 2005
Well i turned it on today and it has no sound until i activated the Wah, but if i change preset is the same i have to activate the wah, but the expression pedal isn´t working, i read some threads at the line6 forum and based on really similar situations from other users, is the pedal photosensor that is defective.

Thing here is that i can´t send it to a authorized service center for repair, so i ask you guys if i can get it repaired here with my technician (i got it used so i don´t have the warranty) and if this is an easy task or the parts are easy to get. i also read that i can get an external Expression pedal and route it to that so it can work propertly, i planning to do that until i have it fixed.

Any suggestions guys?
No, is a hardware issue, just read that is like a common error, a user in the line 6 forum suggested that the sensor need to be resoldered to work again.
Bumping this cause i got this solved and if some of you guys have this problem, you just need to resolder the sensor and it will work.