
He whom thou art not
I've seen a lot of posts about the POD XT and I wondered if there was a reason no one is using the X3 other than they/you already have the XT?

I may be selling some gear to get some new gear and was looking at the XT but I also know the X3 came out not too long ago. Is it just too new and too expensive? Does it fail to follow in the impressive footsteps of the XT? It seems to have some cool features like the dual amp setup and the XLR input. I may just be feeling discouraged at my own feeble attempts at direct recording and looking for an 'easy out' though.
Its the same software as the PodXT and gearbox, and other than the dual amps thing and XLR/Vocal stuff its essentially the same thing so many people can't justify upgrading. I for one would have no benefit going for an X3 as I just use the XT while tracking before reamping, I also have the gearbox plugin, so theres my dual amps sorted. Vocal wise I can just use one of my other 16 preamps available....
Its the same software as the PodXT and gearbox, and other than the dual amps thing and XLR/Vocal stuff its essentially the same thing so many people can't justify upgrading. I for one would have no benefit going for an X3 as I just use the XT while tracking before reamping, I also have the gearbox plugin, so theres my dual amps sorted. Vocal wise I can just use one of my other 16 preamps available....

Ditto - it's redundant and overpriced. A serious letdown for anyone, like me, who was hoping for a new round of modeling technology from Line6.

I'm just waiting for the X3 Pro to come out and the XT Pro prices to drop even lower. :rock:
I had an XT and replaced it with the X3. The sound quality is better IMHO. Not as fizzy and seems a little clearer. Plus you get all the model packs and the bass add ons as well. The downside is you can't re-amp like you could with the XT (which is a pretty huge downside). There are workarounds, but still it was very easy with XT. Looking back, I should have kept the XT and picked up a used Toneport GX for the bass/vocal side. However, I sold my XT for almost enough to buy the X3, so it wasn't a big investment for me.
I was thinking about getting an X3 too, mainly because getting an XT with the Metal and Bass packs will not be that much cheaper. Might as well get the new one! But I recently read some threads on the Line 6 forums and it seems to me that there are quite a few problems with the X3 series, USB dropouts, software glitches, etc. So now I'm not sure anymore.

Sold it to a guy outside the US who said no one (stores or ebayers) would ship one to him and he couldn't get one where he lived without spending a fortune. Can't remember where that was (Poland maybe?), but I got something like 3 bills out of it. Don't know why no one else would do it.

Can you explain that? I don't understand. Did they remove the ability to use just the power amp/cab sims without the preamps?

XT allows for reamping a dry signal over USB, rerouting the signal back through the POD. For some reason they took that feature out of the X3. My guess would be that they wanted people to have to buy their gearbox plugin to do it (which many did). Really sucks though. You can still record the unprocessed signal and reamp using another product, you just can't route it back to the X3 via USB. many of us have been putting in tickets to have that feature added back in, but I believe it is falling on deaf ears.
lil_hermie_jobo: itd be the end of the world if you got caught making bucks off stolen software
lil_hermie_jobo: its one thing as a hobbyist
lil_hermie_jobo: but that'd be like running a taxi service with stolen cars

Ha! Now that's something.
i thought only the XT Pro did this. how do you do it on the regular XT?

Can't really remember since I sold it back in 2008, but there is something in the control panel that lets you send the dry (solo'd) signal back through the pod via usb and re-record it with the amped signal. There's probably a manual on line and it's pretty well written.