need help. saturated kick

try to play with the EQ ... cut the main frequency of the kick on the bass track... Find some drum EQig tips here on this forum - it helped me a lot.

To make it sound louder I personally wouldn't use a limiter for drums to do this - it kills the attack and boosts the sustain. Actually I would do the exact opposite. use the compresor with longer attack time (it lets more of the hit through).
Try Transient modeler to filter out the sustain and boost the attack (works best for me but here it might be different). Generally it makes drum hit sound loud without interfering with other instruments. also sounds more natural than compresors and limiters.
the bass track its line in, with som eq and other track sith a little distortion. my main problem its how to do the kick more louder and defined. i use limiter but its true cut attack. and compresor if i do much make up with waves c1, clip easy
the bass track its line in, with som eq and other track sith a little distortion. my main problem its how to do the kick more louder and defined. i use limiter but its true cut attack. and compresor if i do much make up with waves c1, clip easy

You're having the same problem and doing the same mistake... trying to make the kick louder with limiters and compressors :-D ...the most of the sound you what is in the first miliseconds after the hit... everything after that sound fine when solo but makes mess in the mix. Transient modeler (or processor of whatever they call it) is similar to compressor, but it's not sensitive to how loud the soud is - instead its sensitive to how fast the loudness changes. Im also relative amateur in this so I'm using dominion v1.2 ...its free and has very simple controls. Waves also developed TransX but its too complicated for me :erk:
oh...and one more thing. golden tip: "if something to quiet usually it means that everything else is too loud"