need help selecting new DAW. just got a mac


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
i just got a diezel mac book pro and am soon getting a mac pro...

i was using a very crappy PC with Sonar 6 producer.

this is my question have the opportunity to get either of the following:

nuendo 3
logic pro 7.2
cubase 4

no price consideration which one should i get??? i was gonna get cubase so it didnt burn a hole in my pocket but now that the price for all three is not a factor which one should i get??? all i need it for is audio production like all u guys i dont need video crap and stuff just goot audio. naturally i figured that nuendo is the best one but i know cubase is a little easier and i heard good things about logic. i can't decide!!!

please advise. thanks
i read all the reviews on sweetwater and all online retailers blah blah blah and it doesn't give me much of a true user insight difference between versions. i don't trust salesman and stuff so could some odf you guys tell me what the differences are between cubase 4 and cubase 4 studio.

i don't care about video i am just doing audio production. like most of you guys recording bands and stuff.

ps - dss3 i don't do this at home. i went from a omega/cubase le at home a year ago to my studio now that i work out of with vocal booth and drums and live room etc. etc. its a kinda professional setup. i now have a whack pc with sonar 6 producers with a firepod as my interface. i am getting a mac pro soon (i have a MAC BOOK PRO now) with like better pre amps and apogee converters etc. etc. so i'm dooing major overhaul. i just need a very good DAW to support this. sonar doesn't run on mac and i can't get pro tools. since nuendo doesn't work on intel macs it's either logic pro or cubase 4.
Cubase 4 Studio takes away the multiple mix thing, individual panning/volume of the two sides on a stereo track, and the ability to directly export to MP3 - I personally always exported to WAV and then convert to .m4a afterwards, so I never found it a problem.

That's all I've found that was really significant - maybe Brett will chime in with more that he's found.
yes please

but to save you guys time like i said i have a hook up who can get me a copy of any steinberg or apple product regardless of version so if i can get cubase full version why not???

my only concern was what's the deal with logic??? the only producers i know that use that are machine (lamb of god) and steven wilson (porcupine tree, opeth)

i understand all the big boys use pro tools but i can't get a hook up on it and i can't afford the whole interface and i am a "little boy" now so if i end up begin really good and succesful at this i will get pro tools but for now i still want something awesome. that's why i was leaning towards nuendo but alas i can't use it with an intel mac. so like i said once again, not to be repititious but it's either cubase or logic.
I moved from ProTools (back on OS 8, gah!), to Sonar, then to Nuendo, then to Ardour beta when I totally ditched windows for Linux. I started paying attention to macs again when OS X came out. I now use Logic, and love it waaay more than anything else I've used. Its not as pick up and go as other DAWs, but it does everything that other DAWs will do. I record mostly rap (go where the money is), but everything else it is great for! Most people here are Windows, and I have noticed an anti-Logic undercurrent in some threads, but I have to stand up for the DAW I love!

But above all, YMMV. Get your hands on em!