need help with a mix...


Muse Of Fire
Mar 17, 2004
jewtown, ma
hey folks...
so, my mom is coming to visit :hypno: and i decided to do an opeth mix sans growlie vocals (but not damnation songs since that one can be played in its entirety) also have another friend who LOVES opeth but can't deal with the growlies either... :erk:
here's the trax, what am i missing (or what did i accidentally put on that's going to scare the poop out of her)??? (no particual order yet)
patterns 1 and 2
for absent friends
a fair judgement
face of melinda
still day

thanks y'all
Looks like "To Bid You Farewell" is missing. That one definitely ought to be on there...I think it may be their longest "soft" song, too (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
Rat, also add "Remember Tomorrow" and your non-growling list is complete. The song gets a bit heavy but there's no growls.
It's a opeth Cover of Iron maidens original, can be found as a bonus track on Remaster of MAYH :)

Also, if your mom is afraid of Electric guitars, To bid you farwell aint gonna do it for her :/
Yes there's one on Orchid. It is called 'Into the Frost of Winter'. You aren't missing much however. It is merely an old session track which was later cut up and part was used on 'Advent'.
I have to agree that Into the Frost of Winter really isn't anything to have, Eternal soul Torture (From Morningrise) is actually really neat. Nothing for your soft mix tho, so i'll just shut it :)
Oh yea, and while my mom usually listens to pop-crap, she didn't actually run away when she heard the growling, but instead said it was demon music.... foolish mortals.
T-Rat, good luck with the list. That's cool that you're making this up for your mom and that she is interested in hearing it. I know there is no way my mom would go for it, even the lighter stuff, cuz I once tried to get her into APC (the softest songs) and she did not like it. hehe. Let us know what she thinks when you're finished. :)
I was playing guitar and busted out the solo to Harvest and my mom called it "very tasteful" but then I played the riff after the intro of Deliverance and she said "what the hell is that?"