I need advice.... :)

Patterns in the Ivy and Still Day Beneath the Sun are both acoustic songs with no harsh vocals... Hours of Wealth and Isolation Years too... I personally think all of them are good songs, even if the band doesn't think some of them are... Of course, they aren't metal either... And if thats what you want I'd just burn him pretty much everything else thats already been mentioned
you shouldn't have to push someone into liking a band imo.. If they aren't a fan of death metal vox, chances are they aren't going to change their mind.. If they cant get past that than I would say its not even worth it
Just go with Orchid. It is composed mostly of just great music. If your friend really can see past the death vocs., the music on this album will hook him for good.
AFairJudgement0 said:
you shouldn't have to push someone into liking a band imo.. If they aren't a fan of death metal vox, chances are they aren't going to change their mind.. If they cant get past that than I would say its not even worth it

Not true. I used to hate death vox with a passion - I mean, I used to really detest them. Then I heard "The Drapery Falls" and now I feel a song really lacks something if it hasn't got growls.
BANNEDadrian said:
lol wow, your musical taste must have an incredibly broad range

Mmm, yeah. I won't go into a list, but I do have quite a broad taste. I must admit, I was being somewhat hyperbolic with that statement - but who gives a fuck anyway?
thelordofcheesecake said:
Not true. I used to hate death vox with a passion - I mean, I used to really detest them. Then I heard "The Drapery Falls" and now I feel a song really lacks something if it hasn't got growls.

honestly i'm the same as you... Except I went from liking death vox to hating them and then back to appreciating them somewhat... I still don't really like them but I feel they can be used in effective ways, like Opeth.