Need help with an english project, please fill out.


Minnesota Ass Vikings
Aug 20, 2005
Hastings MN
Need interviews for a journalism-like project. Please fill out.

First and last name:

Favorite metal band/why:

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”:

Your opinion of mainstream metal:

Your favorite genre/why:

Do you like non-metal/what:
First and last name: Mike Simoni

Favorite metal band/why: Nevermore because i really enjoy the music style, a little more progressive than most, and I really enjoy clean vocals in metal, and WD's vocals are second to none.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: I dont really follow it, but I hope it stays strong.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: I wouldn't call it metal, the stuff in the mainstream is constantly mixing genres, and alot of the mainstream metal seems to sound like the "hardcore" and "screamo" I cant turn on Hard Attack anymore without hearing Bullet for my Valentine and Trivium every hour. So I'm guessing thats America's view of metal now. Trivium now seems to sound more like a harder Metallica, It's not that bad.

Your favorite genre/why: Progressive Metal, I like both genres seperate, and I love the mix.

Do you like non-metal/what: YES! I grew up on alternative, so If i catch a good tollerable alternative band, im all for it. Classic Rock, Industrial - I'm a huge Nine Inch Nails fan but thats about the only band I can stand from that genre. And If I dont have the metal station on or listeing to stern on the radio, I more than likely have the hard rock channel on, or the blues. I recently got into the blues. Good stuff.
First and last name: Phil McCracken (make up a name, if you're going to be making anything out of this, even just a school paper, I'd prefer to remain anonymous)

Favorite metal band/why: In The Woods... They had a very nice progression of style from their earlier days as a black metal band, to a more "progressive rock" oriented outfit, always producing quality music, and always having overbearing artistic integrity.

Either that, or a still existing band "Negurã Bunget", for similar reasons: Fairly standard black metal in the beginning that blossomed into some very beautiful ideological and metaphysical metal. The artistic integrity of the band and the dedication to music, both on the level of the music itself and on an intellectual level can be seen best in Negru's (the drummer's) publication Negura: Central European Ideological Magazine, discussing both music and historical, folklore, and ideological topics.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: The 'underground' is a term that music fans created to make themselves feel better about what they do, to make themselves feel more elite, etc. There was an underground once, with mailorder lists, tape-trading circles, etc. but it doesn't necessarily exist anymore with the advent of the internet. Information is readily available to all, and most music which is considered as "underground" can be obtained easily through most online music retailers, and tape trading has, to a large extent been replaced with mp3 downloading from software such as Soulseek, BitTorrent, DC++, etc. With that definition of the underground, I think that the underground no longer exists. However, if there is any real vestige of the underground left, it lies in groups that put out extremely limited releases, but that doesn't always necessarily mean a band is good based on that fact alone.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: A joke, but it sells.

Your favorite genre/why: Edit: I took this as a favorite subgenre of metal question, I don't exactly have a single specific favorite genre of music anymore Black Metal. Although it's overpopulated with a lot of shite Mayhem/Darkthrone/Burzum clones, it's one of the few metal genres that actually conveys new ideas metaphysically and ideologically into music, while still having a select few bands that are still pushing the edge to this day, despite the genre being around 20 years old now.

Do you like non-metal/what: Unfortunately, this is where the largest part of my interests lie nowadays, because the immense majority of metal bores the living crap out of me for the most part at this point. I'm quite fond of both lesser known and better known industrial music, from Wappenbund to Laibach, dark ambient, such as Herbst9, Les Joyaux de la Princesse... contemporary "'post-industrial'/'neofolk' music" such as Current 93, Death In June, et al., etc. etc. etc. I honestly could go on forever.
Need interviews for a journalism-like project. Please fill out.

First and last name:

Favorite metal band/why:

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”:

Your opinion of mainstream metal:

Your favorite genre/why:

Do you like non-metal/what:

Karen Eshed

A band? that's going to be tough. I chose Nevermore, Sadus, and Anathema why? because each of these bands are unique and stand out from the rest of the bands. none sound like the other. Great musicians in each band, great lyrics, song stracture, and I love every album by the above bands.

Opinion on the state of underground metal? Well, I wish it had better reputation among certain areas in the world. I wish it would be a legitimate genre in music. I feel as though every time the avarage person thinks about "metal" they always have "hair metal" bands from the 80's in mind.
I would like to see more exposure to REAL bands from the thrash/ death/ black genres. I want to see more acceptance of this kind of music.
right now? It's awful. At least here in the states it is.

Mainstreem metal doesn't bother me because I don't have to listen to it.
back when I was younger, and bands like Soundgarden, Nirvana, and pearl jam came out: metal heads were all against it, and ow majority of them like it in addition to their regular metal. So the way I see it, I don't like those nu-metal bands because maybe I'm just older? It doesn't sound apealing to me at all. I hate the guitars, I hate the vocals, I hate the outfits... I just think it looks silly. At the same time: kids who are into this kind of music think MY metal looks silly, so hey.

favorite genre? Definitely metal. why? because this type of music apeals to me. The kind I like is not catchy, it's interesting musically (most of it is) and I love the vocals. It's dark, fast, gloomy, intense, and I enjoy metal the most.

none metal? yes of course! One can not limit himself/ herself to just one style of music.
I love female singers a lot. If they are just twisted enough and have good vocals and are not tacky, I will probably love it. Tori Amos is a great example.
I also love some rock/ alternative: Radiohead, Coldplay, Mars Volte, The Cure, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, Genesis, Rush, Yes, and many many more.....
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Johnny twotone

favorite metal band:my favorite metal band is nevermore because they are the perfect blend of song structure and technical prowess. I would have said katatonia or tool but they could just as easily be considered rock. I love dark and depressing music.

metal underground is for nerds

mainstream metal is about every metal band these days.

Favorite genre is rock and or roll cuz it's the bastard child of almost every genre imaginable. It's also an ever changing genre because it's less defined as to what it is to be rock, where as other genres are more or less set in stone.

I like all kinds of music because good music is good music.
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First and last name: Will Bozarth

Favorite metal band/why: Nevermore. What I look for in a band is a singer with talent and the ability to write lyrics that actually MEAN something. Whether it's intelligent lyrics about the current news and situations or about things that personally affect the listeners. Talented musicians are another leading factor as to why I've chosen Nevermore as my favorite band. These guys know how to play their instruments, and in such a way that appeals to me more than other bands.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: The term "underground" is subjective. The "underground" is often associated with bands that have already been signed to a label, tour, make cds. The real meaning of "underground" refers to bands that are still struggling to get noticed. Nowadays, it is quite difficult for an up-and-coming band to get noticed, even in their own home towns. There are many amazing "underground" bands that are working their way to where they want to be... it's just a matter of time until someone notices that is powerful enough to give them a break.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: Again, terms are used out of context. The idea of a mainstream metal band could be confused with bands like Slipknot, Korn, Mudvayne, who don't exactly show was metal fans call "metal". The first band to pop in my mind to be metal and to be considered "mainstream" is Lamb of God. Others may disagree with me, but what they do is definitely metal. Mainstream could also be considered having a video played on MTV, songs played on the radio (FM, Sirius, XM), or even play on major summer festival tours like OzzFest. Nevermore has been played on MTV, the radio, AND a major summer tour; yet the band doesn't sound like the "mainstream" bands I mentioned above.

Your favorite genre/why: If I were to choose a favorite subgenre of metal, I would have to choose Doom. I think I could pinpoint the reasons for being written with extreme emotion, both musically and lyrically, and just being super melodic and moody.

Do you like non-metal/what: Yeah, I listen to some non-metal. I've been listening to Radiohead, Elton John, REM, and Keane lately. I have the habit of listening to classical at times, and I often put on some guitar-driven jazz. I like the popular song "This Love" by Maroon 5. In the metal community, if you like something "popular", you often get your proverbial "ass" handed to you. Whatever! Music is music. Listen to it and enjoy it. Just don't ask, don't tell. :)
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Devin Tierney

Nevermore. Nevermore's mixture of melodic heavyness and technical prowess gives them exactly what I like in a metal band. All my life I've been searching for a band that has hardcore, yet melodic and meaningful music. Through wikipedia, I found this band. Not only is their muical ability second to few, but the meaning of their songs and intelligence of their lyrics is excellent. Warrels subject manner and the way he portrays it is parallel to mine, and I found the perfect band for me.

I haven't followed the underground, 'cept for NM of course.

I severely dislike mainstream metal, as I define it. For instance, everyone knows who slipknot is. They suck.

My favorite type of metal is prog metal, but I also like power metal to some degree, Both for the instrumentation. But I think NM should have it's own genre, and if it did, it would be my favorite.

I listen to everything that denotes musical proficiency, even 1920s jazz and swing. Things like rap and emo are the antithesis of musical proficiency, and therefor aren't held in high regard, to say the least.
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Need interviews for a journalism-like project. Please fill out.

First and last name:

Favorite metal band/why:

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”:

Your opinion of mainstream metal:

Your favorite genre/why:

Do you like non-metal/what:
Name: Paul Marin

Favorite band: Nevermore. This band sounds very unique. I have tried finding other bands that are so original. Nevermore is a band that you can't just label thrash metal for example. They have a lot of thrash influences, progressive infulences, even death metal influences. Warrel Dane is not only a great and very creative singer, but a great lyricist, and his words opened my mind to some things. Moreover Nevermore reinvent themselves with each album, every album sounds different, yet so much like Nevermore. Crazy riffs, crazy solos, melow acustic passages, extremely melodic solos, awesome singing.Buy their discs!!!

Metal Underground is a subjective thing. For example there are huge bands like Cannibal Corpse that bring a lot of people to their shows, yet you will never find them on prime time radio, TV, etc. (except headbanger's ball maybe). The underground changed through the years. It is not done by mail, tape trading, etc, but via internet. Myspace is a great way to check bands out and help them out if you like them. There are quite some non-signed bands that i really like from the local Seattle Scene (Weapon within for example), Sweeden (three days in darkness), and Romania( taine, trooper). So i guess that underground metal is strong and it will keep growing and maybe become mainstream without changing their music styles.

Mainstream Metal: Again a very subjective thing. I would call trivium, avenged sevenfol, dragonforce, etc mainstream bands. At least in my school, many many people wear their shirts, listne to their albums, and chicks have pictures of them taped in their lockers. It is good that a form of metal is popular, but the guitar wankery makes me not like these bands. I think the current form of mainstream will get people to listen to some metal and maybe open their minds to more extreme and underground bands and discover nevermore, sepultura, sodom, destruction and many more. At least trivium is miles better than linkin park.

Favorite genre of metal: It is hard for me to choose, because i enjoy thrash metal, death metal, black metal, and some more progressive metal. I think my choice would be thrash metal. It has a lot of agression in it, and a nice dose of guitar solos in it. Thrash metal influenced bands that would later be death metal,and more extreme genres. I miss the days when thrash metal was huge, when metallica released and justice for all, sepultura released Arise and got huge with their video being baned from MTV.

I like non-metal music too. I enjoy listening to jazz on the radio. I also like instrumental guitar rock. I love Joe Satriani's music, and I like classical music like J.S. Bach (toccatta and fugue in D minor is awesome), Bethoven, Paganini, and some Mozart. I also listen to Immortal Technique (a rapper).
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First and last name: Russell Jackson

Favorite metal band/why: Nevermore, for many reasons. They are impossible to pin down into one genre of metal or another. Every album has its own distinct atmospheres, and yet they are each unmistakeably Nevermore, instantly recognizeable. The lyrics are neither air-headed party rants or mindless garbage about disembowelment or church-burning, but are thought-provoking and elaborate commentaries on politics and the nature of mankind. Each musician is a master of his craft. Basically, the band is unsurpassed on all fronts, in my opinion.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: Basing my opinion on Louisville's local scene alone, the underground is sad. There might be 3 or 4 bands worth seeing around here, period, and every show that isn't headlined by an international artist is sparsely attended.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: Whether a band is mainstream or not doesn't automatically make them bad or good. Unfortunately, a lot of bands streamline their music to make it more appealing to a wider audience, losing some of the originality and identity they had previously held. Therefore, most mainstream metal bands fail to arouse my interest.

Your favorite genre/why: My favorite metal bands generally don't fit snugly into one subgenre. There are so many generic and uninteresting bands in the metal world that what I respect above all from this scene now is originality. Right now it seems that a lot of bands would rather be labelled in the same category as some of their favorites or inspirations than strike out and create their own niche.

Do you like non-metal/what: I've branched out a bit, with no particular direction in mind. A Perfect Circle, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Ra, Tool, Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zeppelin, Porcupine Tree, The Gathering, and Loreena McKennitt all appeal to me. The recent releases from Borknagar and Ulver are also not metal, but I enjoyed them.
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First and last name: Martin Hockaday

Favorite metal band/why: Anathema. Even though they aren't exactly 100% metal nowadays I have always admired the songwriting and musicianship of this band. Albums such as Alternative 4 are veritable masterpieces, filled with emotion and beautiful music. They are also extremely good live.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: The metal undergroud to me today is pretty much a nonentity. How can anything be underground is it is readily available at the click of a button? Every tiny band today has a myspace or some such website where people can listen to them and bring the band hundreds or thousands of fans despite some of them never playing live or producing any physical albums or EPs. To me there is no more metal underground, only the metal community and the much more superficial mainstream metal community.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: Mostly rubbish. Many of these bands have not become popular due to talent but because of gimicks and marketing aimed towards the ignorant. Every mainstream metal publication claims that the new flavour-of-the-month band are the next "true metal gods" despite only having one album of dubious and ill-written material.

Your favorite genre/why: Doom metal. Slow, methodical, deliberate and beautiful.

Do you like non-metal/what: Of course! I consider myself to be a fan of "good" music in general (good of couse being completely subjective to my tastes). I very much enjoy rock, industrial, classical, neo-classical, new age, world music etc. One of my favourite non-metal bands is Dead Can Dance.
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First and last name: Jim Higuera

Favorite metal band/why: Hard to answer this as I have a particular like for a few bands. Iron Maiden as they embody the greatest range of elements I find appealing in metal.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: My opinion is that there is no true underground anymore due to the immediate nature of communication and media. There is a facade of the underground, but for the most part it as been already assimilated into the mainstream. NSBM can be found in corporately-owned music chains, and there are cartoons on national television cable channels about "death metal" bands. So, the answer is that the underground is pretty much a joke, with rare exception, but even in such a social climate there are hints of it.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: Like with any genre, mainstream tends to equate with mundane. A band can be both good and mainstream, but it will tend to be the exception to the rule. This is true in any genre, where the more obscure and non-mainstream artists are frequently the most creative and original.

Your favorite genre/why: Of metal? The New Wave of British Heavy Metal and the more non-mainstream black metal scene (non-area specific). The NWOBHM I feel was the first true heavy metal scene, it was completely underground, and many of the bands it produced stand among the best ever in the metal genre. Much the same goes with the black metal scene, particularly the second-wave.

Do you like non-metal/what: I like a lot of non-metal, including jazz (such as cool, be-bop, swing, big band, free jazz and fusion); electronic music bordering from experimental to the more techno-y, industrial, and noise. I enjoy classical, particularly the Romantic, Baroque, Modern eras of it. I like rockabilly, blues, some alternative country, trip-hop and even hip-hop. I also like punk and many of its subgenres.
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First and last name:
Carrie McGinnis

Favorite metal band/why:
Yep, I'm a cheese head -- Nevermore is my fav. It is a combination of reasons. I like that they still retain the roots of the original metal on which I grew up, while being able to move and grow and shift with the trends, taking only the parts they like, and using them in their own way. The musicianship and vocals are, of course, exceptional, and they put on an excellent show, which is important. Their music, though, is just complicated enough that it doesn't get old, but without going so far as to be inaccessible. And they don't put out albums with one or two "hits" and a bunch of crap I have to skip over to get to what I want.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”:
Chaos. There are a lot of bands headed in all different directions, each wanting a unique subgenre. A lot of them don't put enough effort into any one project to take it anywhere. Fans have reacted by splintering, too. It used to be if you went to a bar for a night, you stayed for all 3 bands. Now there are 5 bands and people actually bar hop for a 30-minute set, and then leave again. It's so weird.

Your opinion of mainstream metal:
Mainstream metal is pretty much the same as any type of mainstream music. To reach the public, the majority of bands are doing the same things over and over, within their genres. Few bands stand out as genuinely unique, and fewer still take any sort of risk with their hard-won popularity. In all fairness, their record labels often retain enough control to ensure that they cannot go too far. Regardless of whether it's mainstream or underground, 'good' music that speaks to you is a little 'hit and miss' to find.

Your favorite genre/why:
Power metal - Yes, that's a sub genre. Sue me. Followed by Hard Rock and 80's metal, and then by Goth.

Do you like non-metal/what: Yes, acutally, I also like Rock and Hard rock, 80's music, most spoofs (Weird Al, Dr. D), Classical Music, Goth, and some of the more commercial Punk. In reality, anything that's played well, not too repetitive and has no jazz progressions likely won't annoy me.

I completed the survey -- now do I get a cookie?
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First and last name: Derek Patterson

Favorite metal band/why: Woods of Ypres/My Dying Bride. The former for their ability to capture a moment of reflection and turn it into song, the latter because I'm a romantic, completely and utterly.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: Like Jim, I think the multitude of mediums for the communication of music now means that the conventional understanding of "underground" is rendered outdated. That said, I still think the amount of dedicated (less) popular metal bands around the world is as steady as it has always been, and the thirst to create new music, regardless of listener-ship, is still apparent. I'd say it's probably quite healthy, as a rounded generalisation.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: Being a philosopher at heart, it's hard to answer the question without a discussion of what its constituent parts actually mean. However, I'm too lazy to delve into that and so I'll be (somewhat) flippant and conclude that mainstream music generally achieves its status because it appeals to a broad spectrum of listeners. That alone hardly paints the music as intrinsically bland, but - as a rule - it can be usually observed.

Your favorite genre/why: Black, Death, Doom and Thrash. It's hard to say, really. My mood often dictates which genre I prefer to listen to. I suppose that also answers the "why" part. As a younger fellow I liked NWOBHM, in my mid-late teens I listened to mostly death metal and now in my 20s, I tend to listen to mainly black/thrash. I think my mood generally usurps the conscious decision from my mind and puts on whatever it desires.

Do you like non-metal/what: Indeed. I listen to less metal than I do singer/songwriter material these days. I adore artists like Elliott Smith, Ben Folds, Ben Gibbard, Andrew Kenny, Bob Dylan and my all-time favourite - Warren Zevon. Thanks to Matthew, I also delve into neo-folk (which I am enjoying more and more each day). I listen to a fair amount of blues, and I like classic rock a great deal too. Alot of my female friends are into punky/emo etc style music, and being relatively easy going I don't mind parts of those genres too.

Give or take, Jim said everything I just did except before me and with greater eloquence.
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I dunno if you are done or not but ill post anyway because I'm hella bored


First and last name:John Jones

Favorite metal band/why:Nevermore or Borknagar. Nevermore for their sheer agression and riffage, Borknagar for their depressive atmosphere. Both bands for their awesome singers.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”:Never been better

Your opinion of mainstream metal:Garbage

Your favorite genre/why:Hard to say all my favorite bands are hybrids "Nevermore prog thrash, Borknagar and Enslaved prog black"

Do you like non-metal/what:Fejd, Gordon Lightfoot, Porcupine Tree and *gasp* Staind
First and last name: Danny Gately

Favorite metal band/why: Nevermore. Because they cannot be classified into one subgenre of metal. They are, to me, metal at it's "purist." They, for me, provide that perfect sound that many bands attempt but very few achieve. Warrel's vocals and lyrics are thought-provoking, emotional, and fucking insane. Van is one of my favorite drummers. He's always in the pocket. Jeff? Fucking a. What else needs to be said? Jim is phenomenal and I love that he does it all on a 4. Steve brought something fresh to the band that I can't quite place and I hope that he gets better soon.

Your opinion on the state of the metal “underground”: I don't have an opinion. Good metal is good metal whether it's underground or "mainstream." Although, the majority of the great metal bands happen to be "underground" if that's what you want to call it. Personally, I think they're underground because people don't have the capacity to appreciate great music.

Your opinion of mainstream metal: Well, who could be classified as mainstream? Lamb of God? Ok, yeah, but they were underground for a really long time. So, really I don't know and I don't care.

Your favorite genre/why: I think Nevermore is a genre all their own, so I'll go with that one, whatever it's called. :lol:

Do you like non-metal/what: Yes I do. I like orchestra, movie soundtracks, Yanni, Enya (yeah, so the fuck what?!), trance and techno, rock (Rush, Pink Floyd, etc.). I'm pretty open to anything but country and rap.