I need help for a fun project at school

the hookah smoking caterpillar. he quit drugs and now goes around to elementary schools warning of the dangers of that sweet, sweet opium!
the hookah smoking caterpillar. he quit drugs and now goes around to elementary schools warning of the dangers of that sweet, sweet opium!


Or could you venture into the world of Disney? The original stories of Cinderella and the like are kinda dark.

Yeah, like Snow White having a nervous breakdown with her seemingly perfect prince, wondering whether any of the seven dwarves she shagged were in fact children in Halloween costumes. She then goes to the wicked old witch to seek redemption for her child molesting sins, and... :erk:

Or, uh, before the Bambi Rampage that puts Columbine to shame, Bambi starts his own 'I Hate Humans' myspace page to avenge his mother's killer... I've no idea.
Rumplestiltskin's daycare services.

Someone from my class thought of that :)

Thanks everyone for thinking with me :)

Last night right before I went to bed the idea hit me, (isn't it always like that? the best ideas hit you when you least expect them) and I am doing
the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland, that now lives in Vegas, and she has a Vegas-survival kit, only the kit is all tripy and wrong.
(if you remember, the queen of hearts used to punish everyone for the smallest things "off with their heads" ) so what better for a sin-hater queen than Vegas? I'll keep you posted :)