Need help with BitTorrent/Router problem


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany

Ok. I've had it.

I have a MacBook running OS X 10.4.11 including all the newest software updates.

I have been trying to use a BitTorrent client for months now and it does not work anymore (it used to work!). I used to have Azureus and I used it to download the occasional TV series like My Name Is Earl or now Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles and all was fine and dandy. Then I updated the client and the shit began:

Whenever I let the client run for a bit (1 min to 1h) my internet connection crashes and does not restart. This happens regardless of the client. I went from Azureus/Vuze to XTorrent and now to Transmission and it's always the same.

I set up my portforwarding on my FritzBox 7113 router thingie and Transmission confirms that the port is open and not blocked by firewall.

I turned IPv6 off.

I basically did everything like all the FAQs and How-Tos say I should.

Still, after the client runs for a bit and gets good speeds up to 300k/sec, it will just crash my internet connect so that the router disappears from the AirPort WLAN networks list. I then have to turn AirPort off and back on to even find my FritzBox in the list of all the surrounding WLANs. When I click on it, everything is back to normal, but when I start the BitTorrent client again it just crashes again after a very short time ...

Can ANYONE help me out? I just wanna watch some shows that are not on German TV ... :( :( :(
Same boat as you a while back, had to limit my download speed to 115k using Azureus. 10.4.11 as well here. It would get going and once it reached about 125k it would start rocketing faster and get killer speeds, then BAM! dropped internet. I thought it was my wireless adapter, but once I set the d/l limit to 115 it hasn't crashed yet. Annoying as fuck man, I would have to disable my net connection, then reconnect to the router as well.

I'll try it! Thanks bro! :)

EDIT: Hm, shit, that wasnt it. I'll lower the limit ... maybe that helps.

EDIT2: Well, I set it down to 60k/sec and that seems to be working stable.

EDIT3: My ex gf just wrote me this:

It's the airport. Mine used to do it all the time, now it doesn't... don't know why. If you plug it in directly using an ethernet it doesn't happen though.
I'm not using the AirPort though. My network is a LinkSys Wireless router and a wireless internet USB thing that plugs into the back of my G5. Lowering my download rate fixed it. I haven't had any other issues with the internet other than with Azureus.

I'm not using the AirPort though. My network is a LinkSys Wireless router and a wireless internet USB thing that plugs into the back of my G5. Lowering my download rate fixed it. I haven't had any other issues with the internet other than with Azureus.


It's been stable for about 35 minutes now. With lowered DL rate. We'll see how it works. I don't even have a long enough ethernet cable to plug it in and test it :)

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks again for the advice!
try tomato torrent - could work.

the only thing i can think of is that your ISP has started watching users downloading and port usage, ip connections, logs etc and they've started blocking torrent downloads. try doing it on another internet connection with another service provider.
Hey Mick, thanks for the advice. I was wondering about that (blocking/monitoring) too. Torrent ran all night without hiccup. I closed all other programs that have access to the web and reduced up/down speed to 60k/sec and it worked. Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 02 is here, yay! :D

Why do you think a different client (Tomato Torrent) would work?

Btw, I'll most likely be in Dublin from Tue, Jan 27 to Thur 29th. Any good rockclubs/-bars to visit?
the name is ross by the way - mick is my internut name!

i though tomato would work because my torrents seem to swap alot. one day tomato would work and transmission wouldn't, next day it would be the opposite way.

yay come on into dublin! its fucking tiny! ok if your looking for a metal pub we have Fibber Magees on Parnell Street in Dublin city, its beside o'connell street which is the main street in dublin, ask anyone and they will direct you. go on a thursday, friday or saturday night for some kick ass irish metal.

other then that check out whelans or the village on the other side of the city, i dont know the addresses (not usually metal - more indy and rock) both these places have a massive thumping sound system. great to check out if your into your gear. - check there for some irish gig dates, there's not much on though, irelands gig time is the summer where we have huge festivals. winter is usually shit - although lamb of god are coming over - yay!

you'll find dublin is very small compared to hamburg, we dont have much metal heads over here or metal pubs. like i said - fibber magees pub is the best.

if you like disco's etc try spirit on middle abbey street in dublin city, in dublin its very easy to find night clubs and pubs, there everywhere, just stay around the centre of dublin and there are a lot of great places to go.

Danke und Tschuß dude!
Hey Ross,

thanks for the info. The girl I'll be visiting actually goes to Fibber's on a regular basis. She just mentioned it the other day and apparently went yesterday. I will only be there Tue/Wed night tho and fly out on Thur morning.

My torrent problem was solved by my friend Bombe who wrote me the following:

Those cheap-ass routers (like the Fritz!Box) have troubles when you open too many connections in too little time. This is pretty much exactly what happens when you start leeching like hell.

Things you could try include:

* Get OpenWRT/dd-wrt on your router, or get a router with OpenWRT/dd-wrt pre-installed. The timeout for masqueraded connections is adjustable, and they’re generally much more stable.
* Set up a linux machine and use it as router/firewall. It can support a virtually unlimited number of simultaneous connections.

He'll set it up for my non-tech-ass soon, so I hope it will work. I already got my Terminator stuff though, so I probably won't need any Torrents till I find another new show that I wanna watch (usually every 6 months or so) ...