Need help with Cubase tempo layout


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
I have searched to no avail….My question is this. In the Cubase tempo layout window how can you select and move multiple time signatures and tempo changes simultaneously? Basically I have a song that has already been mapped out, but there were a few measures left out, and I cant figure out how to insert the extra measures and move the parts that are correct down the timeline. Would really appreciate some help on this, because I don’t want to have to re-grid everything that is already correct. :worship:
Greetings, don't know if this is what you are trying to achieve. In the Tempo track view place the tracker where you want to insert the missing measures. Now click on "open process bars dialog" (first grey button starting from the right). This will open a window where you can either insert, delete, reinterpret or replace bars. I guess you want to use insert, select how many measures you want to insert (length) and click "process". Hope this is it.

Good Luck
If you don't have Cubase 5 or Higher, this is actually the easiest thing to do:

Use the range tool to select a range of the length you want across all tracks, then Insert Silence from the Edit-Range menu. You may need to first make sure that the tracks and parts/events are not locked.

From the manual, p. 52:

Inserts empty track space from the start of the selection range. The length of the silence equals the length of the selection range. Events to the right of the selection range start are moved to the right to "make room". Events that are intersected by the selection range start are split, and the right section is moved to the right.

And apparently, if you set up some cycle markers in the marker track, you can range select the entire cycle by
-Choosing the Range Tool
-Double Clicking within the cycle

and then you can actually drag around entire parts of the song WITH tempo track..