
Dec 13, 2010
I recorded a band last week called Strength Of Heart. well, the day after we finished tracking, the vocalist from the band tells me that he forgot they needed to do gang vocals -.- . Being a 16 year old with no car forces me to have to do it myself. so i'm asking you guys could help me out.

If you guys have the time, do you think you could record yourselves saying..

"My future is determined by my dedication"

and i will put it all together in the end. ( i tried recording these gang vocals by myself and it sounded awful.)

Here is the link to the song

btw. i've barely mixed anything, so don't comment on my mixing skills ;)
Want to have vocals that sound like a bunch of dudes shouting in a room? Best to record a bunch of dudes shouting in a room then.

Call your friends, get them over to your recording space/house and record a bunch of takes.
You could try altering your voice a bit every take. Maybe slightly pitch shift some takes. Anyways it is possible with just one person too.
Want to have vocals that sound like a bunch of dudes shouting in a room? Best to record a bunch of dudes shouting in a room then.

Call your friends, get them over to your recording space/house and record a bunch of takes.


multitracking something that is meant to not sound multitracked, will sound multitracked.

if that makes sense? :goggly:
Want to have vocals that sound like a bunch of dudes shouting in a room? Best to record a bunch of dudes shouting in a room then.

Call your friends, get them over to your recording space/house and record a bunch of takes.

Would if i could! my friends are extremely unreliable. thats why i reached out to you guys on the forum!
If THEY forgot to record the gang vocals, then have THEM come over and record them.
It's hard for me to believe that the band expects you to record the gang vocals by yourself and expecting it to actually sound decent.
If THEY forgot to record the gang vocals, then have THEM come over and record them.
It's hard for me to believe that the band expects you to record the gang vocals by yourself and expecting it to actually sound decent.

This. One option is just to grab a mic, laptop, small computer speakers and ask bunch of random dudes from the street/school to shout the line a couple of times. The messier, the better.
thanks for all the feedback guys. i'll try to do as you guys suggested. but still. feel free to record it and send it to me ;)