Need help with mix?


big floppy donkey dick
Oct 14, 2007
Grafton, MA

We've been recording the album for my hardcore/deathmetal band for a while, and it always seems to crash into phase we have recorded drums, geetaars and bass. They sound real killer when you solo each track, but when you listen the whole mix all the punch and clarity is gone. Maybe the explanation is that I'm using a 16-bit/44.0 audio card, dunno?:heh:

And since we really don't want to release any crap (soundwise at least), I'm asking if there'd be someone out there who could help us out with the mix (of course we'll pay money for that, if the job is done well:)). And I'd need to know what I'd have to include/leave/do's/don'tdo's/little bit about the levels and such.

How many tracks would I need for drums? KICK, SNARE, TOM1,TOM2,FLOORTOM,HIHAT,OVERHEAD1,OVERHEAD2, something like that?

And for the bass and guitars, what I have in use is PODXT Live and I really don't like any of the sounds on that one, so should I only include the DI-signal tracks? And same thing for bass, I could get a decent sound with plugins but if you could get a "god" sound from DI-signal, I could leave it to you.

And what about vocals, should I leave 'em as they are or should I do some processing like EQ/Compressor/Echoes and stuff?

If you were interested in any way, you can send me an email to or you can PM me as well for further details and more questions.
What's the difference between room and ambient? And yeah, +1 on triggers, even if you're not planning on sample replacement
What's the difference between room and ambient? And yeah, +1 on triggers, even if you're not planning on sample replacement

i always saw it as room mics capturing a well rounded, balanced sound of the whole kit with a roomy sound and ambient mics capturing reflections of the room rather than the sound of the kit.
but im probably wrong haha
to be honest, I wouldnt bother with the room / ambient unless you are in a killer space. Same with the triggers if its alot of hassle. Snare bottom, ride and hat tho and china if hes using one alot.
to be honest, I wouldnt bother with the room / ambient unless you are in a killer space. Same with the triggers if its alot of hassle. Snare bottom, ride and hat tho and china if hes using one alot.

On the other hand, a really tight/dry room with "ambience" mics is a perfect candidate for a true stereo Impulse Reverb.
Howdy! Thank you for all the replies I've got! Request is still open to everybody!
but now since our band's economical state has changed from moderate into very very poor recently, we just unfortunately cannot pay any big bucks. So if there's anyone out there who has too much freetime and nuthin special to do this just might be your shot.

And if you need something as an exchange, I'm available to do vocals for sessions/projects whatever, if necessary. I wanna help out as much as I can and as much as I'm asking, haha.

So get in touch, if you're still interested!