Hej guys...new here, need help with a metal mix!!


Feb 20, 2006
Hej guys wtup? I'm new here, Bloodline (Mendel) told me to register :rock: !!
My name is Ismar, I'm 19 and have been playing guitar since July 2003.

So a few weeks ago I wrote a song and recorded it, BUT I'm not happy with the mix. I also have to say I don't really know what I'm doing (as for mastering) so I was hoping for some help :wave: !!

here's the mp3: http://members.home.nl/r.basic/html/ismar - Aura(3).mp3

Ibanez RG2620QW Prestige
Boss GT-8
OLP STingray Bass

So if you have suggestions or any kind of comment, leave it here.

Thanks guys!

Cya around,

(btw: the kickdrums are pretty loud in the mix though)

Glad to have you here.. great talent, this one, people!

Well as far as the mix goes, the basics sound really good to me.. there seems to be a distorted sound on the kick.. maybe turn it down a bit? what frequency did you boost the kick? that's Andy's kick right? i suspect you might have boosted the kick under the 60-80 HZ range, what could create that muddy distorted sound.

Sounds good!
neverpurify said:
I can't comment much on the mix as I am new to mixing, but I thought the song was cool.

This is fairly balanced - your kick drum isn't too loud, it's just doing too much. High-pass it around 60hz and it'll clear up the low end.

The cymbals/overheads sound compressed but that could be the mp3 file getting swirly. If they are compressed, I'd recommend against it. Let them be open and breathe. If you want to get a bigger sound then put up a room mic and compress that.

Also, check your bendy guitar leads. Some of the bends don't quite get to the target note.

welcome aboard ismar!:rock:

. . in regards to the mix. . I would turn the rhythm guitars up a bit, and cut some overall bass from the mix. . like below 50hz, cus it sounds like the bass overpowering a bit. other than that. . the tones are pretty sweet, the drums sound good, u may want to try bringing out a little more power in them. . but unfortunately mixing does come down to preference. use your favorite songs that get you hyped up, as reference tracks then a/b the fuck out of it. thats my 2 cents. rock on


ooooh shit my next post is going to be 100! omgz i'm about to hit triple digits! ::piss myself::: fuck.