Reamping guys: I need your help!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I'm currently mixing a project that I really struggled to get a good recorded guitar sound on. I initially thought that the band's initial idea of a Black Dahlia/Killswitch/In Flames type tone would work, but it seems the mix is taking me more in the direction of Stabbing the Drama, The Way of All Flesh etc.

I'll be happy to pay one of you $100 AUD to reamp the rhythm guitars on this 5-track CD. That's just the rhythm guitars - no leads. If we do decide to go on and do leads as well, it would go up to $200 AUD.

I've put up a trial song along with my current drum-bass semi-rough mix.

You can get everything you need to here:

Alternatively if you'd like to just listen to the drum'n'bass roughmix first, you can stream it from here:

Finally, here was the best tone I was able to get prior to this, using a 6505 head into impulses:

So anyway, all your help would be greatly appreciated. I'm really stuck towards finding a good tone. I've got nothing in mind - just something nice and crushing that will fit with the current mix, so use your own judgment. I am after something of A-grade, professional quality though, so it might be worth keeping that in mind!


i will give this a try too, i just noticed that the di´s are clipping in some places and are tracked really hot..

Oh god, I'm capped.. this is SO slow.

9.4kb/s... 45 mins left on the DIs.

Have listened to the rough mix, mp3 of guits is still DLing. I'll give it a go tomorrow even though I have nothing real to work with XD. There's something odd going on with the kicks. Did you not quantize the OHs? at 2:45 it sounds like theres slapback delay or something, and it even sounds like the OHs go out of time with each other for a second.

edit: you don't have any vocals that could go over these? Just rough tracks, so I don't go too overboard on the high-mids?
I'm eager to hear what some of the guys here will come up with, as I know Ermz won't settle for an average tone. In fact I'd imagine that even tones with a great character might not cut it if they have some nasty stuff going on (fizz, mud, boxyness, etc.).
The odd stuff going on with the kicks is because they were quantized individually of the OHs. It was one of the most out of time performances I ever dealt with so the editing was a bit drastic. The flamming sounds will be covered up in the mix. Necessary compromise and all that.
Here's the 6505 preamp out for this track:

It's still uploading so give it a bit if your browser says the link is broken.

It was dialed specifically for Ryan's 'fredman-pres8' impulse so I don't know how useful it will be to you guys. Pretty weird settings. Bass 4, Mids 0 and Treble 7. Gain was around 4, but the TS boosted it into happy land.

Xes, I'll listen to your reamp tomorrow when I can get off these cans and blast the speakers!