I'm doing some reamping today myself, so I ran this through. 5150>Mesav30>57>Avedis MA5.
Thanks for taking the time Mikko, but the very reason I'm posting these up is so that I don't have to use impulses. I thought the 6505 with impulses would cut it, but I always find that impulses fall apart with EQing more so than raw cab tracks. So I'd just love to keep it as natural as possible!
Hah, in that case better discount mine. TSS -> SoloC -> Catharsis.
Hah, in that case better discount mine. TSS -> SoloC -> Catharsis.
When I listen to my 6505 through Catharsis reamp it still sounds like one of my fave raw tones, but once I get an EQ on that sucker it falls apart like crazy.
Whichever was the second Mikko, I much preferred that, but it sounded good to me! (though granted, in a mix it might be different)
I'm doing some reamping today myself, so I ran this through. 5150>Mesav30>57>Avedis MA5.
Throwing my hat into the ring
No post processing, except for Master Bus Compression/Limiting. Brick walled for fun and profit.(That and I needed to hear how it would hold up to it.)
Yeah, in that clip, the first sounds just wayyyyy too middy and honky, whereas the second breathes much more IMO (fizz is just a side effect). And as I said, as far as I can tell nothing "fell apart", but again, these are just solo guitar files, not in a mix, and in the end it's up to Ermz to decide what works best for his project![]()
@Deaf Ear: That's quite a nice reamp man. This stuff is definitely digging the Peavey>Mesa 4x12 chain. I'll take the opportunity and present that one to the band too if you want to give me the raw tracks (to a portion of it at least, if you're afraid of me ripping you off, haha).
Hey dude, pretty cool, though when everything drops out and it's just those harmonized guitars, they sound a bit undergained (though part of that sounds like weak pick attack, but still). Overall cool character though, sits really well in the mix IMO! Would you mind posting an mp3 of the guitars only?