Reamping guys: I need your help!

Thanks for taking the time Mikko, but the very reason I'm posting these up is so that I don't have to use impulses. I thought the 6505 with impulses would cut it, but I always find that impulses fall apart with EQing more so than raw cab tracks. So I'd just love to keep it as natural as possible!

Hah, in that case better discount mine. TSS -> SoloC -> Catharsis.
Hah, in that case better discount mine. TSS -> SoloC -> Catharsis.

Cool man. In the last few days of listening Sysera's have definitely taken my fancy the most. He's been nice enough to mic up all 4 of his speakers and roll with the best.

Those model tones are deceptive. When I listen to my 6505 through Catharsis reamp it still sounds like one of my fave raw tones, but once I get an EQ on that sucker it falls apart like crazy. So thanks for the honesty!

@Deaf Ear: That's quite a nice reamp man. This stuff is definitely digging the Peavey>Mesa 4x12 chain. I'll take the opportunity and present that one to the band too if you want to give me the raw tracks (to a portion of it at least, if you're afraid of me ripping you off, haha).
When I listen to my 6505 through Catharsis reamp it still sounds like one of my fave raw tones, but once I get an EQ on that sucker it falls apart like crazy.

Hey Ermz, its quite confusing...what exactly breaks up when you EQ a track recorded with an impulse and how?

Listen to this clip:

As a quick test I just tweaked one of my tones (after the impulse) to sound more like your original clip and it worked absolutely well. Nothing "breaked". In the clip you hear my eq-tweaked tone and then your original take.

I just can't imagine a situation where an impulse recorded tone behaves so differently with EQ than any other waves.
Whichever was the second Mikko, I much preferred that, but it sounded good to me! (though granted, in a mix it might be different)
God would I love to hear that Eddy! And on a side note, after a look at your myspace, I see you're in Portugal, for some reason I always thought you were South America-based!
Whichever was the second Mikko, I much preferred that, but it sounded good to me! (though granted, in a mix it might be different)

This was only to show that nothing “falled apart” even drastical EQ-treatment made to the tone after impulse. In this thread I have showed some tones of mine which you could comment, even I already know you like fizzier tones and I hate them. Thus I *hated* also my tone in the clip you commented. But the EQ process (technically) went well as such.

Now, if I have targeted Ermz’s kinda tone (and especially for the mix) I have made it more like the one below – more mids and no fizz – after that comes again Ermz’s original (just to remember you I don’t like fizz and you do.) But you should compare this to my first ugly-fizzy tone!

As an amp modder I do literally thousands of comparisons per year and doing so for learning and out of curiosity which drives people, not to harm them.
Yeah, in that clip, the first sounds just wayyyyy too middy and honky, whereas the second breathes much more IMO (fizz is just a side effect). And as I said, as far as I can tell nothing "fell apart", but again, these are just solo guitar files, not in a mix, and in the end it's up to Ermz to decide what works best for his project ;)
I'm doing some reamping today myself, so I ran this through. 5150>Mesav30>57>Avedis MA5.

Hey dude, pretty cool, though when everything drops out and it's just those harmonized guitars, they sound a bit undergained (though part of that sounds like weak pick attack, but still). Overall cool character though, sits really well in the mix IMO! Would you mind posting an mp3 of the guitars only?
Yeah, in that clip, the first sounds just wayyyyy too middy and honky, whereas the second breathes much more IMO (fizz is just a side effect). And as I said, as far as I can tell nothing "fell apart", but again, these are just solo guitar files, not in a mix, and in the end it's up to Ermz to decide what works best for his project ;)

Marcus, I was just going to add a smiley in my post, so that you know I wasn't too serious or I should have freaked you out more by saying that on these days I don't use same impulse twice, lol. The one I just made for last post is already in trash can. :heh:

Now, I also *thought* this thread will be a reamping thread and hear some amp alone clips but I was wrong. Sooo...may I dive next into your DIO, Roadster etc. thread? I'd like to try those DI's out. Also I'd suggest you a simple mods to your recto before you leave it too soon and buy something else. But we can continue discussion about it there.
@Deaf Ear: That's quite a nice reamp man. This stuff is definitely digging the Peavey>Mesa 4x12 chain. I'll take the opportunity and present that one to the band too if you want to give me the raw tracks (to a portion of it at least, if you're afraid of me ripping you off, haha).

No problem at all. I'll try and get it up tonight. I should have the cab set up for another three or four days. If you want to go ahead and up all the tracks. I'll go ahead and run them just in case they dig it.
Hey dude, pretty cool, though when everything drops out and it's just those harmonized guitars, they sound a bit undergained (though part of that sounds like weak pick attack, but still). Overall cool character though, sits really well in the mix IMO! Would you mind posting an mp3 of the guitars only?

Thanks for the kind words bro. I'll post up an mp3 no problem. I'm going to upload the straight tracks first though.
Oh, and also Ermz, I wanted to say how good those bass and drums are, they left so much space for the guitars, and were so easy to get them to sit nicely in there, well done!
Still going, wow. Thanks guys. I've barely been home these last 2 days so I haven't had a chance to keep up.

Deaf Ear: If you only have the cab for that amount of time, don't worry about it man. Your reamps are great but I can't guarantee that the band will roll with them. If you are bored though, I already have the DIs to the other tracks up along with the old REALLY rough guide tracks here: Reamp.rar . Thanks again for your time and work.

@cobhc: Thanks, that was the idea with this set of guide tracks. I wanted to hear how the raw guitars sat in something that resembled a finished mix. Your reamps seem to resemble what I was getting with 8505 and Ryan's impulses, so my assumption is one of Nick's modelers and Ryan's fredman impulses, or along those lines? Listening on cans after a long session so I could be way off, hehe.
@Mikko: I respect that you have a vested interest in this topic, but to be honest I don't have the energy or willpower at the moment to go through why impulse-based tones don't work for me. This thread was mainly an avenue through which to hook myself up with good, real amp reamps and the reamper with some cash (or e-funds as it may be). If impulses worked fine for this project, this thread wouldn't exist and I wouldn't be offering money to get proper reamps done.