Need help with some christ-core-stuff (6505 content)


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
just working on the first job where I used my newly aquired 6505...
but guitarsound is not my problem here.
This was a mix and master-only job (incl. reamping)...
fortunately I don't know which studio recorded the files, but it did basically everything wrong you can and I had a frickin hard time so fix things (guess how much drums are smple-replaced... lol).
anyways, I'm cool with the mix (for a first ruff-version!) there are some things that are bugging me and that I'm about to change (using a little less comp. on the 2buss, get rid of some clipping here and there, reduce some 250Hz in the mix..(did a ruff 250Hz-fix in the master for now)...) but you get the idea.
Please give some hints what else to improve (retracking is not an option!), cause I really wanna deliver the band a great result (this job just bought me the 6505 ;) ).

thanks for you help...


P.S. try not to pay too much attention to the lyrics ;)
i really like the music suprisingly
the bass drum is very obnoxious and a bit too punchy
i think just bring it down in the mix slightly
the rest of it sounds pretty damn good though!
good job
Re-amping guitars:

It's sounding overall pretty good for a salvaged job... I might blend another snare sample in - it could use a bit of beefing up. Is that Andy's sample in there, though? :laugh2:

My god that singer is absolutely horrid... so nasally. I feel bad for you, having to listen to them while mixing. I'd probably mute them until I had to mess with them.
Hehe, yepp and the born-snare ;)

Yeah, I think the vox have been tracked with a studioprojects....definitely the wrong choice for her, way too brittle I'd probably have opted for a TLM193 or something warmer....perhaps even a m160 ribbon or so, voice is really thin...
I have to deal quite often with nasally vox *cough* but this is just to thin, sounds a bit like a kid or so.....tried everything, still didn't help....
It's not that she can't sing though, it's just that she's got a voice that need's some "special" tracking-techniques during recordings....

is it just me or do the studiopojects mics not like EQ?

I just concentrated on how much I love the 6505 ;) can't wait for rehearsal tonite to play that beast again ;)
First off, great guitars again. I always seem to think that when listening to your mixes.

voice is really thin...
I have to deal quite often with nasally vox *cough* but this is just to thin, sounds a bit like a kid or so.....tried everything, still didn't help....
It's not that she can't sing though, it's just that she's got a voice that need's some "special" tracking-techniques during recordings....

I have to agree, she does sound very young. I think the timbre of her voice it what does it, maybe the mic could be changed, but I some times no amount of gear can help. Maybe it should be reinforced with a deeper voice, I like the doubling, but a male voice might be the answer.

Damn those guitars though. :headbang:
first time I used the 6505, really like the "barking" character of it.
The Biasmod is really worth the 5 min effort!
Yeah, but retracking/additional tracking isn't an option, so I'm pretty much screwed and have to live with those vox unless there's some magical plugin ;).
ugh, those vocals are baddddd. they sounds decent quality though. nice guitar tone, it's thick. The drums sound kinda, boring like they're just samples. they don't sound special in anyway, kinda generic. Good mix though.
ugh, those vocals are baddddd. they sounds decent quality though. nice guitar tone, it's thick. The drums sound kinda, boring like they're just samples. they don't sound special in anyway, kinda generic. Good mix though.

spot-on.drums are 100% sampled (cept OH and HH of course), could not use the original drumtracks, the sounded like the heads where ripped and mics just put on top of them and attached with ducttape directly to the heads ;)
spot-on.drums are 100% sampled (cept OH and HH of course), could not use the original drumtracks, the sounded like the heads where ripped and mics just put on top of them and attached with ducttape directly to the heads ;)
i think try and use some more realistic samples
on the snare if anything, as its the only thing that really stands out as artificial