Need help with the band logo


Apr 19, 2004
London, UK
I need a logo for a parallel project i'm workin on but i have no experience in graphics (i made some attempts but everyone was pure crap hehe) .. wonder if anyone mind giving a try.
The project is called Ethereal Dissonance.. there's some kind of Katatonia/porcupine tree vibe in it.

thx in advance for the help
You should try a vector drawing software, like Adobe Illustrator, or a free concurrent. It's the best way to draw a logo, then you put it on Photoshop or The Gimp to give it a cool look with a few processing. It's actually quite easy to do a simple good looking logo. Just find basic tutorials and apply them to your ideas.
gave it a shot:

You should try a vector drawing software, like Adobe Illustrator, or a free concurrent. It's the best way to draw a logo, then you put it on Photoshop or The Gimp to give it a cool look with a few processing. It's actually quite easy to do a simple good looking logo. Just find basic tutorials and apply them to your ideas.

HEH dude i tried like u said but as i wrote .. i'm like a 12yo child hahaha. I tried freehand but guess it will take soo much time to be able to use it