need info on Edguy


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
I wasn't at this concert but everyone has me curious. I am assuming they are power metal. The one thing about some power metal bands are the ones with vocalist that sound like their body parts are caught in a vice like Jag Panzer. I hate that even if the muscianship is good.

How would one describe Edguy? What would be the best cd to start off with?
Edguy are kind of standard hard hitting German power metal, musically, though they definitely rank with the best in the field in nearly everyone's opinion that i've encountered, mine included. vocally, Tobias Sammet sounds kind of like Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden with a german accent, though not as much on the high notes. as far as CDs, i can vouch entirely for Vain Glory Opera, Theatre of Salvation, and Mandrake, and Kingdom of Madness is also good (though the production is a little weaker). I haven't heard either version of Savage Poetry all the way through. i think my vote might tend toward Vain Glory Opera, though all 3 that i mentioned are awesome.

Originally posted by tattooedsean666
How would one describe Edguy? What would be the best cd to start off with?

I would describe them as some of the best power metal I've heard. Easily one of my favorites of the show. I picked up Theater of Salvation after the show and thought it was pretty damn good. I just got Mandrake, and I love it! I'll be looking to get Vain Glory Opera (which has been highly recommended to me) soon, too. Also, (I think it was mentioned earlier in the thread) if you decide you like Edguy, then you might be interested in picking up Avantasia 1 & 2 (Tobias's Metal Opera project).
