Need inspiration with food (for long days in the studio)


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
I'm totally out of ideas dudes... and I've got maaaaany long days upcoming now in the studio. I usually cook noodles and fry some chicken bits and just pack it down and bring it with me but damn it's getting old... same thing every day, doesn't feel so exciting :D

I don't have a freezer, microwave or anything you would find in a kitchen in my "studio" (actually, it's not a studio since I'm using my rehearsal place as my "studio").

So what do you guys suggest? Stuff that doesn't need to be kept cold, stuff that is not expensive but still edible! =) Inspire me, I'm out of ideas...
you need to eat healthy food when your working. bad food like chips and quick meals are fine but come the end you will smell like a mother fucker, you will shit very bad and your mind will not function correctly. you can eat crap food for a few days but come day 3 or 4 i promise you that you will feel like shit. thats why before every gig i play i make sure i eat healthy food and i have no alcohol in my system. you can party after the work is done but before that take care of your body and it will work for you

i suggest spinach salads (keep your iron levels up) lots of oranges (for vitamin c) and dates (for carbohydrates) along with lots of water no not dehydrate. if you do want to eat meat eat some tinned fish like sardines or tuna fish or eat chicken. try to stay away from beef, lamb and pork because its harder to digest.

some of you may think im taking it to the extreme by saying all that above but if you dedicate yourself to a job you need to be in tip top condition (physically and mentally) and your diet plays a vital role in that
Protein bars
Nuts (tee hee)
Cottage Cheese

Those are my staples!
you need to eat healthy food when your working. bad food like chips and quick meals are fine but come the end you will smell like a mother fucker, you will shit very bad and your mind will not function correctly. you can eat crap food for a few days but come day 3 or 4 i promise you that you will feel like shit. thats why before every gig i play i make sure i eat healthy food and i have no alcohol in my system. you can party after the work is done but before that take care of your body and it will work for you

I have lived on Pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches and Pancakes my entire life and i feel just fine!

.. oh, wait, no i dont! :lol:
you need to eat healthy food when your working. bad food like chips and quick meals are fine but come the end you will smell like a mother fucker, you will shit very bad and your mind will not function correctly. you can eat crap food for a few days but come day 3 or 4 i promise you that you will feel like shit. thats why before every gig i play i make sure i eat healthy food and i have no alcohol in my system. you can party after the work is done but before that take care of your body and it will work for you

i suggest spinach salads (keep your iron levels up) lots of oranges (for vitamin c) and dates (for carbohydrates) along with lots of water no not dehydrate. if you do want to eat meat eat some tinned fish like sardines or tuna fish or eat chicken. try to stay away from beef, lamb and pork because its harder to digest.

some of you may think im taking it to the extreme by saying all that above but if you dedicate yourself to a job you need to be in tip top condition (physically and mentally) and your diet plays a vital role in that

I like your dedication Ross, but this is not rock n roll :lol:
I live in the same world when I have to work for 36 hours straight with nowhere to stop for food - I tent to live off granola bars, nuts, water, and ravioli.
im serious lads if you dont eat healthy it will seriously effect your performance as a musician and sound engineer. good food goes not only give you energy but it gives you brain juice allowing you to make quicker decisions with better results.

i swear if you go on tour and live off burgers and chips come day 4 you'll be sick as a dog, you'll have the shits and you will smell like a fucking bin. highly processed grub (although it tastes very nice) is full of all sorts of additives, colors, preservatives etc which are un-natural to human diets which force the body to spend time breaking down these additives and causes body fatigue in the form of having the shits, stinking generally gaining weight.

like i said above in your own time eat what you want but when your a man on a mission to do your job do what you need to make your body and mind perform at its maximum. like i said i do not take any alcohol before a gig or performance and i eat decent food. it allows me to function better when on the job which after all what you do is your job. if you've dedicated your life to something you may as well do everything that needs to be done to succeed in that. after the job is done get pissed drunk and eat 40 steaks (thats what i do) if some of you dont agree thats entirely up to you and its your own decision but im warning you you'll feel like shit after a week - i know... i've been there.

Remember kids: eat real food! :) god bless....muahahahaha
Have you ever been to a job site and theres that 1 wog (its alright, I'm a wog too!) that brings half a fridge with him. You sit down to your cheese sandwich and he pulls out a stick of quality salami, tin of sardines, a french stick, tomato and lettuce which is cut on the spot! Thats me all over.
Seriously, I truly believe that if you eat that way, (not the cheese sandwich way), life in general steps up a few notches. Dont wanna hear, "yeah, but the cheese sandwich is cheap" arguements either! :lol: If theres one thing in life you should not skimp on, its the quality of fuel you put into your body. Dont bring some "behringer" shit for lunch, go pack yourself a "soldano" or "mesa" type lunch. Your body will thank you down the track, and as someone said before, performances and thinking will improve, so its a win, win all round.
Erks, I would suggest to start with a good stick of fresh crusty bread, with some prosciutto or pancetta, with some great shaved cheese, such as Jarlsberg or similar, packed into a picnic basket with some fresh vegetables. A good bottle of red wouldnt go astray either, only need the 1 glass to wash it all down with.
Oh, and find or make the time to achieve this, do this for a month and you will never feel better, and it will rub off on breakfast and tea.
...highly processed grub (although it tastes very nice) is full of all sorts of additives, colors, preservatives etc which are un-natural to human diets which force the body to spend time breaking down these additives...

Hush, hippie scum! Leave me to my kebab!

Nah, seriously, you're absolutely right. This time I totally agree with you even if I don't follow those guidelines myself. I'm just a sucker for tasty fat :)
Yeah I hear that, never been a fan of room temp mayo and such. Just pick up a small lunch pail sized cooler, they usually include a little attachable ice pack that you freez the night beforehand. Those work super good even on really hot days.

Usually I just send someone from the band i'm working with to pick something up, but then you're usually back to the unhealthy fast-food or the likes. Also right next to our studio there is a Taco Truck everyday except Sunday.