Need inspiration...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Stories...haven't been able to write anything lately.Bad...can't even form complete sentences...It'a really odd,though.I haven't written any stories for the longest damn time,but I've been drawing a lot.And drawing actual things,too.Not just random patterns.If I draw one more of those,I'm gonna puke.I drew a picture a Layne Staley the other day and it turned out... good. And,since I'm the one drawing it,that's amazing.I drew a picture of Marilyn Manson the other day and,according to Famous Amos and the others that I showed it to,it looks realistic.I drew a picture of Peter Steele(Type O Negative) this afternoon and it looks pretty good as well.So now I can draw but I CAN NOT WRITE...I have not been able to write anything at all.This is just bizarre.If anyone could recommend a cd for me to listen to or a book for me to read(something morbid/gothic would be great help)that would sort of give me some form of inspiration,that would be greatly appriciated.When I'm not writing,I'm just not darkspot.Not that anyone really cares,anyway,though.Oh well... *fades away*
I said GOTH!Eh,maybe if I get a large enough picture of a CC album cover,I can draw that and try to cope w/thsi loss of inspiration.This is not a good feeling at all.I'm tired and feeling somewhat depressed and very void.
DSM,thanks for the idea about the guy searching...but that's kind of like this one story that I wrote-the DNB inspired one.That was in 2 parts,actually.The first one was from the point of veiw of the woman inside the mirror whom "The Mirror Black" was written about.The second one was from the p-o-v of the guy in DNB who was doing the searching.I'll have to type both parts up on the computer then do the copy and paste thing and either send them to you for your website or send them to this fan-fic site which I registered at a while back and have sent nothing to.