NEED MASTERING ASAP!! Rate my mix also please!


Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
Hey guys! Just finished recording a song for my friends band, Buried in Flames.

They need this song mastered by tomorrow, if ANYONE can master this track better and what not by tomorrow or in about 15 hours i guess. They have to send it off to some promotion agent and need it ASAP! They wouldnt be able to pay but I just wanted to see if anyone could do that please! Thanks guys! Download -

Keep it Metal!

~Wes Nyle~
Some advice, don't spam the forum by posting the same topic in too different sub forums.
Wow.... thanks for the LOADS of help you guys! Instead of leaving a message of just what I needed to do or actual good advice, I get that...... thanks.

Wow, thanks for wasting our fucking time and being a cheap cunt!
Instead of offering to pay someone for the effort, time and services, you want it free and you want it now.
And instead of giving us something decent to work with, you give us a .wma, so whichever masochistic fuck downloads your file is fucked anyway!

And you act like we're the cunts?

Seriously, a mastering job needs to be done by a mastering engineer, not by any fucking hack.
It's pretty much course for the par for a ME to own at least around 100 grand (US) worth of gear, and an all outboard stuff. And we haven't even begun to talk about the fact it's a totally different discipline to mixing. If you have not noticed that pretty much most of the top guys here specialize in tracking engineer and mixing engineer tasks and not mastering, then fuck me dead.
There is a reason why guys like Ermz sends his stuff off (or I imagine he might direct his clients to a ME, I'm not entirely sure, but that's not entirely the point) to some dude to do the mastering, and that's because he knows he isn't the right guy for the job, even if he does possess otherworldly ears for a mix that neither you or I possess.

You can just put your shit on any forum board and I could just easily get your track, slap on a limiter, a saturator VST plug in and do some EQ-ing with the free EQ that comes with my DAW software, put it all on the master bus and call that a "mastering" job if I really wanted to dude.
But the truth is, I don't own any outboard gear, my monitoring is questionable at best and I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing, so I'm not gonna be an asshole and "master" your track and send it back to you.
On second thoughts, maybe I should have and you could have been fooled into thinking what I did with it sounded better.

If you want a mastering job, you have to pay for it, period. There is NO way around that, unless you can find some poor sod of an ME who wants to degrade himself and his sense of self worth for his work enough to do it for free
Since mastering costs money, you want to ensure you're going to be sending in the best work you possibly can, because once it's done, it's done, there is no "Ohh, can I have my money back? I want to remix it first and then you can do it again"
Doesn't fucking work like that.
Improve that mix first, muster up some cash and, change the goddamn file format to something lossless and send it to someone who will actually do the job properly.
fuck. The amount of times terrible mixes have been posted and then people ask in desperation for the raw stems to mix and master it - I thought people would love this...

He lacked a bit of tact (;)) in his original post but he's clearly just asking for a favour which will help him and the band he's working with.

You guys will donate money to someone for a new interface (albeit the mate got totally stitched and it was a great gesture from everyone who donated) but you won't help this guy out. Really fucking cynical. It would have been so much easier to not post if you don't want to help, or just ask for a wav/aiff if you do. That's just my view on this though.

Flog/pile-on everyone else...
fuck. The amount of times terrible mixes have been posted and then people ask in desperation for the raw stems to mix and master it - I thought people would love this...

He lacked a bit of tact (;)) in his original post but he's clearly just asking for a favour which will help him and the band he's working with.

You guys will donate money to someone for a new interface (albeit the mate got totally stitched and it was a great gesture from everyone who donated) but you won't help this guy out. Really fucking cynical. It would have been so much easier to not post if you don't want to help, or just ask for a wav/aiff if you do. That's just my view on this though.

Flog/pile-on everyone else...

I thank you alot for your kind words.

As for everyone else, I didnt mean to post a wma file, it was late and WAY past the time I had to be in bed for work. I thought I posted the wave file, my mistake. And as for the free part, its not MY song so im not going to pay for it, and the band is broke, I did the recording and mixing for free, well because I enjoy it.... ALOT. I know im not that good ok, I try, its all I can do. But I atleast thought I did a minimum a decent job. As for the "time frame" thats all I was posting, if no one had time, no big deal, you didnt even have to post. I was just posting the time frame the band had to send something out. I always come here for the great advice and discussions that are on here, they are very helpful. I didnt mean for it come off as demanding but asking for a favor, thats it. But FUCK my bad. Mastered.mp3

because I am bored/generous. the recording/mix is super rough man (to be 100% honest). I did what I could.

And thank you, I know its rough..... im still learning........
They wouldnt be able to pay but I just wanted to see if anyone could do that please! Thanks guys!

ALSO, I dont see where I wrote "YOU BETTER FUCKING DO THIS NOW OR YOUR ALL DEAD BITCHES!" or anything like that. I think it says, hey, wouldnt be able to pay but figured id see if someone could help out, please and thanks. Thats kind of what im re-reading there.... hmm.... I see how I came off SO hard and such a demanding asshole........
You guys will donate money to someone for a new interface (albeit the mate got totally stitched and it was a great gesture from everyone who donated) but you won't help this guy out. Really fucking cynical. It would have been so much easier to not post if you don't want to help, or just ask for a wav/aiff if you do. That's just my view on this though.

Flog/pile-on everyone else...

yea but there is a difference there.

1st we know audio interface boy and we've seen him here for a long ass time, and secondly he didn't ask for donations where as...

this chap is asking for a free mastering (which is specialized professional work and very time consuming) he was in a way of almost demanding and expecting it... as if people here have fuck all else to do.

perhaps if he firstly didn't spam the fuck out of what he wanted and secondly asked in a more kind way. the last thing we want is that the sneap forum's name is going to be tarnished into a bunch of free audio engineer whores who work for free

I'm not really sure what's worse. The thread itself, or the way people are responding to it. The Sneap board I willingly signed up to didn't have any of this juvenile reactionary crap going on. Almost felt like I was back on the Opeth board for a second.

Anyway, that mix needs a lot more than just a last minute mastering job. It may be a wise lesson for the artist to account for more time in the future if they're hoping to use a recording as promotional material.
I'm not really sure what's worse. The thread itself, or the way people are responding to it. The Sneap board I willingly signed up to didn't have any of this juvenile reactionary crap going on. Almost felt like I was back on the Opeth board for a second.

BIG +1. A lot of people here are getting ridiculous. If you don't want to help don't reply with rude statements! You could always just not reply or reply with constructive criticism but straight up making fun of the guy? Come on now......