need more earpairs to judge my songs(songwriting advise)

well we have 8 songs and we started to think that it better done 5 song ep
but my problem is:no one give me honest feedback of those songs and im starting to get blinded o_O cos im done these songs on my members dont say allmost nothing and friends just cant give straight answer...i have feeling that i got killer tracks cos they are 6 month old songs and still like them even they are rough home recorded ideas, so please give feedback i need it more than ever cos we start record in autumn..and yeah ofcourse anyone else have samekind problems?

here is songs: -1 eyes wont hide lies.mp3 -2 pain remain unnamed.mp3 3 suffocate the truth.mp3 -4 cursed.mp3 6 never forgive,never forget.mp3
Usually around here when the songs sound good, rarely do you see any comments. lol. Aside from the fact that there is no mastering done on these tracks, they sound pretty good.

Edit: You're also posting at fucking 3am and 5am here in the states anways. Give it some time and have patience, I'm sure more will respond when they wake up or sober up. :lol:
heh yeah i dont realised that time differens when i post this it was something like mid daytime here :D well lets see where this going, this is just about when some bands writing music all together with members but i create this shit on my own and that may cause "blindness" to my songwriting
Man the songs totally kick ass! Any info about the EP release date and where we can get it?

The only thing that bugs me about the mix is the "clangyness" of the overheads. A bit less mids wouldnt hurt. Vocals and guitars are awesome!