need opinion on mix.

Unicorn said:
Sounds pretty good overall. For my taste there's too much gain on guitars, and slightly too much high freq., but it's a very good sounding song.

I agree.

Goddamn thats some good drum programming.
Awesome stuff, Mendel. I think this mix of Dust Machine sounds insanely better than The Cube; something about the mix of "The Cube" makes me ears tire of it very quickly.

+1 on the Drum Programming; good stuff. Love your Bassdrum sound. The drums sound awesome, guitars sound awesome. What does your Master Chain look like?
I agree with the "even" comment some of the other guys made. Strange to try and explain but I immediately knew what they were referring to when the song kicked on.
That is some very very nice work indeed, Mendel. An aural pleasure.

Your drum prog skills are titty - size Triple M for \m/