Need quick help with a live mix. Deadline today!

It already sounds pretty good for a live recording, just clean up the low mids a bit more, boost some high freqs on the overheads around 8-12khz just a little more and use some reverb on the snare and especially vocals to get a more natural feel.

Also you could try brightening up the kick, snare and toms a little (maybe 0.2b-0.3db).

When the vocalist is talking near the end of the song, remove the muddiness out of his vocals.

Other than that it sounds listenable exept from the vocals. How did you process them?

It might work with some reverb as I said but right now they sound a bit too harsh imo.

Hope this helps.
yeah, work on that snare. use a transient designer to give it more attack and sustain. also boost some of the high end.
everything else is cool as it is! like the song!

if you need a quick master, i can help you out to make it a little more impactful. cheers!