Need recommendations on Bass Guitar


Jan 31, 2007
Hey Guys,
I'm more of a guitar player, but I have an old SDGR (Sound Gear By Ibanez) bass I bought about 10-15 years ago for maybe $200 or $250. It's a basic "made in Korea" bass.

See this link for more info:

I have one of the earliest versions without the active electronics.

Anyway, since I'm into recording again, I need a good bass sound, and I'm not sure this thing is capable of passable bass tones.

So my question is, do you think it would be worth putting some decent pickups in it, or should I ditch the thing and buy a new bass? If you say buy a new bass, what would you recommend that won't break the bank? Is there anything in the under $400 range?

I saw another thread that mentioned Warwicks, but they look very expensive.
