need pickup recommendations - peavey grind bass


Jul 27, 2005
my bass player is going to replace the pickups of his peavey grind 6string bass. the playability is really cool, but the sound is rather muddy. very dominant 400hz-ish honk/wool that can't be dialed out. DI signal sounds like shit.

i have absolutely no idea about bass pickups.....any recommendations? he isn't going for a distorted sound, it should be really clean, with a good bottom end and crisp highs.

thanks in advance :)
Really digging Seymour Duncan Basslines at the moment, but you can check other companies.
EMG could fit your description and if you have a bit more to spend you could even ask somebody
like Harry Häussel to get a set of custom pickups or ask the guys at Basslart.
used to own that bass but sold it before thinking about new pickups. now as I think back, if EMG's fit, i'd go with them. don't have any experience with seymour duncan soapbars.
I really like nordstrand dual coil pickups but they're not extremely modern sounding.
he's kinda on a budget....
just checked thomann, for 6 string basses they have EMG 45dc's and duncan soapbars....with the latter being more expensive.
does anyone know if the EMGs will fit without any additional routing?
can anyone point out the sonic differences between the duncans and emgs?