Need some advice on recording vox


Badman rudeboy
Apr 10, 2005
We were recording vocals, back up in uni where i was using an AT 3050. However, after listening to the session, back at home, we decided to rerecord some of the vocals.

Basically all the clean vocals were fine, we were just redoing the screaming. So this weekend we started recording with my SE2200a. First day, screaming wasn't great then today screaming was good, but then realised that that actual sound of the mic just wasn't suiting his voice or the track. Problems being, the sound being too thin, and harsh.

So my question is shall I try and get my friends AT3050 again, or spend some clams on an AT4040 or any other recommended mics.

Cheers for any help!
I have never used a 3035, but been tracking vocals this weekend with the 4040, and I'm liking it a lot. Normally I don't tend to use condensor mics on shouting vocals, but these have come out really well. I'd say it sounds its best with singing and higher pitched shouting, but lower stuff worked out pretty well with a bit of EQ too.

Maybe try and borrow one if possible and see how it works. I have had a fair bit of luck in the past with a 57, depends on the vocalist really.
I've tried a few mics with him, 57, 58, i5, SE2200a, and the 3035, so far the 3035 sounds the best. The others almost seem to clean, or too dull, like he wasn't screaming at all. But the 3035 seems to suit him, but I thought the 4040 would work well as it was the higher model.