The_Shred: ahah ok! thanks for your feeling!
Djabthrash: thanks

, i wanted to go to the chaos fest too, but i couldn't. However, i'll go to see Soilwork, in the same place on october the 13th. Peut-être que je te verrai aussi
Wolfeman: Thanks for your feeling about my andy's pics

Andy: Thanks for your advice

. I'm going to test it. I must build a box for my 2x12 before, cause the amp is in my control room...hum my bedroom

Moreover, if anybody have plans or threads about building a box, i'm concerned!
Well, till then i have the box, i searched for a bass sound, i thought that the sansamp bass driver DI gave me a sound too much direct. So, i bought the pack bass from line6 for many cabs. I made a quick test in order to complete my krank.
Let me know what you think about, check out those called
Test with the Bass at