Need some critical ears! Drum Test inside, please have a go at it.

Love the song. Well it´s superior indeed!lol I like snares with more meat and not so bright but sounds good. For the style fits very well.
I like the drums. The kick is a bit too clicky&boxy maybe. Especially in the double-bass parts. Apart from that they rock. Same for the guitars. Your stuff always reminds me a bit of Pain (Tägtgren). I like that! Is that going to be an album thing?
Cheers osum! yes, im setting up the drums right now for the TGM album and i might go for this drum sound (with better velocities and more automation).
Pretty tight shit here, I dig it. Kick maybe a bit slappy and snare is a TAD thin but as Nuno Filipe said it fits the style. God job!
I just jizzed a bit. sorry

Nice mix. I REALLY need to get SD. I'm late for the party as usual. I like the string section you had there but I think it can come out just a tad bit. Great job :)
I just jizzed a bit. sorry

Nice mix. I REALLY need to get SD. I'm late for the party as usual. I like the string section you had there but I think it can come out just a tad bit. Great job :)

thanks man..

Yeah i upgraded from superior 1 so it was only 80 euro.. well worth it!

Not even sure if i need the metal foundry, this'll do for now ;)
Kick sounds a bit out of place, like some samples fighting eachother or something with that
I really like the sound of the snare! Which samples did you blend in to the SD2?
At least I think you blended in something, because I never got to get SD2 sound like that on its own I think :lol:

so,the sounds are cool, but you gotta work a bit more on the velocities..altho maybe for your music it's not that much of a problem if it's not humanized ;)
Yeah the kick is a bit weird, i dig that sloppy, clicky style though.. but i shall get it sorted so it does not stick out as much.

omg for snare i blended in 100% sturgis and 100% slate!! haha, nah kidding.. it's 20% fat city and 10% devil driver snare for the little bit of bite.
The sound really comes from superior itself with lots of processing.
I think i can leave out the devil driver snare though, as it probably needs less bite and a bit more fat city aka 200Hz. ;)

Velocities are being worked as well in the end.. and nudging a bit here and there, have to keep it fear factory-like though.. Cheers Mago!