Need some feedback on this one

Hi Sneapsters,

i'm currently building the mix of the new BROKEN MIRRORS album, and I don't know if I have to be satisfied of the result.
I'm still waiting for their new Framus head to enlarge a bit the guitar wall reamping some DI's, but here is the result of a long time job.

The mastering has been done by myself, meaning it's not a top-end one. The toms are maybe too loud, so are the solos.

Tell me if you think there are some things to be fixed.

Edited adress : OWN WAYDEF.mp3~
No one wanting to help my ears and give me some feedback ? Is it sooo perfect :devil: ?

Don't hesitate to be even cruel with me. Listening to it again, I think everything lacks a bit of substance, of flesh. I may need some tips to fix it.

I'm waiting for your comments.
You need to re name the file. it has a ~ at the end stopping it from being recognized as an mp3. The character just needs to be deleted and it will play.

Anyway about the mix, overall it sounds pretty damn good although my two cents:
Keys need more definition, more air. You can tell there is something going on in the back but they don't seem to contribute in any way. Just need to find that frequency that cuts them through the guitars.

Cymbals in general are a touch to quite?

Parallel compress the vox? Needs more guts.

Hope that helps,
I think it's a pretty solid mix. As far as levels go, I wouldn't really change anything, I think the balance is really good. My only complaint is that the snare seems a little too clunky at some points. Maybe cut a little at around 800hz. Maybe a little more verb on the snare too.
Snare seems very thud-y, I think you should play with the attack/ratio a little more to let a bit more of it come out before it gets hit by the compressor. The guitars have a certain scratch character that I'm not liking, maybe look for a peak in high range to cut out.
Well, thanks for the feedback. All your words are very interesting and inspiring to me.

I had a lot of difficulties to make this fuckin' snare sound the way I want. The sample I used, though, is a very good one, and I used it on several other prods. I usually mix it with the natural snare (the drums are acoustic recorded). I still have to work on it. Maybe the reverb remains too short or lack balls in the mids. Don't know but I'll have to fix it. Hard job !

The guitar sound is not yet definitive. There are 4 guitars (2 X 2) on 6 tracks.
Track 1 : Guitar + POD XT + UREI 585EQ tracked through the Firepod unit.
Track 2 : DI guitar + Amp simulator software.
Same thing on the 3 & 4
The 5 & 5 are POD + Urei.

I'm still waiting for their Framus amp head to reamp the DI, in order to add that analog feel I think the guitars are still missing.

COncerning the High Frequencies, they might be less harsh if I would use less treble excitement on them, you're right. Maybe would it give, thus, a bit more room to the synths (I also have to EQ them a bit more precisely).

Thanx again.

I like the snare this way and I'm waiting for reamp because I think something is missing on the guitar.

The only thing I would change would be the vocals ti get them louder.

Also a really good song (but that doesn't affect your work:D)