Need some feedback... please


Master of Vandalizme
Apr 7, 2006
Hi All,

Im a metal head from Denmark, and i've been reading along this forum for a while... and now i think it's time that i post i little clip - and would off course like some feedback - i really would like some of your thoughts regarding the drum sound.... :rock:

Circle of Triads

Ok... thanks for the input - with fake i guess you are refering to the actual programming and not to the sound it self? I have actually used some velocity tricks ans so... but i will give a another try...

Anyone else have something to comment - good og bad???


This may help, I did this and it saves a lot of programming time on future projects.

Get your hands on an electronic drumkit for a day as well as a good drummer.
Hook it up so you can record midi data from the drum brain.
Get the drummer to play a wide variety of fills, and grooves,etc. The more the better. Try and get him/her to play common things that are widely used.
You will now have fills and grooves with "real feel" velocities attached to them which you can use as a reference/ benchmark for your own programing purposes when programming drums from scratch.
In order to program manual drums successfuly you must first learn what real
playing on a electronic kit would result in, after that its easy.
Also, check out programs like BFD which have midi grooves and fills, you can see how they have programed their stuff to sound realistic, explore their midi contents,etc.

hope this helps,

Hey madmuso.... Thanks for the ideas... i will try this when i get the oppertunity... btw - do you know any places where its possible ot get a hand of some midi files like the one your'e suggesting to make?

Thanks again.. ;-)
