Need some help on a sick lead/shred tone! [Badly]

Well, that guitarist sounds a bit insane. :P Very very very talented I must say. But from what I heard, he is always into super mega hyper speed solo mode. Even when the singer is there and that is somewhat of a problem I presume. I guess you need to make 2 or more lead guitar sounds. Because from my understanding, the "traditional metal lead guitar" must be as loud as the singer, so they cannot play lead parts at the same time.... or should not. So there. :P Maybe go for a more rock sound for when there is a singer and a more metal something sound when it is more an official solo? Like that you could concentrate on 2, or more, good sounds instead of trying to make a big one size fits all thingy. Because if that dude is always into super solo mode he cannot always be taking all the place because there is a singer. So it is not the composers who decided who would lead and who would follow because mister insane solo speed drinks a lot of coffee. Or maybe I should drink some before posting? We'll see tomorrow morning. :P
Download TAL-Dub II Delay, it sounds absolutely incredible on lead guitars. It's a stereo delay and can be setup for 1/4 notes one side and 1/8ths on the other, fairly short feedback, and use the in-built high and lo passes. Trust me it sounds amazing, the best delay VST I've heard, plus its free!
On my leadtones i always push the mids up to 7-8, and have the treble at 6-7(Keeping Presence low.) and the Bass you have to tweak(It depends allot on the specific solo you are recording.).