Need some info about 6505 212 combo


Feb 5, 2010
Cluj Napoca, Romania
I found a 6505 212 combo for 750 $ (is it a good price?for europe/ Romania :P )
it s different from the head wersion or not???
I searched this forum, but i cant find any post of this.
i know that it is 60 watts only but it is ok for me if it sounds like the 6505 head version.
I read that the included speakers sounds like shit, but i have my 4*12 V30 so i plan to use it with them.
The Sheffield speakers aren't as bad as most would like to say, I actually like them to be honest, not amazing, but decent. Considering brand new they are $1200 USD, somewhere around $700 is fair (that is if your you are taking about USD, CAD, AUD or something relatively close).
Soundvise, how it compares to the head version? is it different or the same?

should be practically the same,

from FJA:

The 5150 combo has the following differences:
The 5150 combo is a little like the 5150, a little like the 5150II, and it has a few features of it's own thrown in there
Lead channel more like the 5150II lead channel than the 5150 head
Smaller output transformer saturates easier - gets muddy
2x12 instead of a 4x12
Biased warmer (different bias circuit)
Lead channel has a little less gain
60 watts instead of 120
Combo has reverb
Voiced darker

Soundwise I actually think it sounds slightly better, in that it's biased slightly warmer and just has an overall darker tone to it - I love it personally!

you should really try a re-biased head then.

A warmer biased head is great to. After biasing mine extremely fucking hot the fizz has been taken care of and it is one hell of a thick meaty som'bitch
Nah, there's more to it than just the biasing, it's voiced slightly different as well

The combo is voiced more like the 6505+, which means a properly biased 6505+ head would sound the same, given they are dialed to equal amounts of poweramp saturation.

But seriously, I understand where all the 5150/6505 hate comes from in many of those guys who dislike them, I personally can't stand a stock biased 5150/6505, when you get them biased hotter than hell they are a whole different beast.

I always tell people to play a biased modded 5150/6505 before they make a judgement becuase bias in those amps make a HUGE difference.

Thanks guys!
any other opinions? especialy from those who have the chance to compare them or got the combo...

I haven't played the combo but I would imagine that it would be the same as a head with matching cab but a 212 open back version, So you shouldn't expect as tight or aggressive of a low end and expect that the sound especially the bass will project in all directions and possibly get out of hand, so keep the bass/res down especially when you crank.