6505+ 112 combo vs 6505+ head. what do you think?


Aug 2, 2011
is there any sonic/quality difference between both? (except 100 watt vs 50 watt).

i wanted to buy a used 6505+ head, someone sells it here for 1100$.
a local store is selling a new 6505+ combo for a bit less, less then 1000$, and i might get a discount.

the combo as far as i know is made in china though.
anyway i have a 412 cab i will plug the head/combo into.
so, is there any difference in character/quality soundwise between both?
I don't know about the sonic differences about the board, but this thread may help you out.


The only thing I can say, which is solely based on what I brain-picked from my bud Ryan Harvey (I'm not name dropping, we were both drunk) , is that the 5150/6505 heads juice their power tubes on full and the pre feeds that via post-gain pot. The topology in both the heads an combo are different, which should affect tone.
I've heard people say that the combos sound a bit thinner and more brittle than the heads. They aren't as well made as the heads either. Personally I would get the second hand head as you'll probably get back what you paid for it if you ever decide to sell it.
I was in the same predicament and ended up just waiting for a good deal on a 5150. I ended up finding a original 5150 combo with brand new tubes for $500. I run it through my 4x12 and it roars, I prefer it over the 6505+ 112.

Just scour craigslist and see if you can find a good deal, there is always someone desperate out there (fortunately and unfortunately)
They're different to the heads and common consensus is that they're not as good, but still decent in their own way.
I have a 6505+ head and our lead guitarist has the combo version. And I too have to say, while the combo doesn't suck, the head just sounds way better. Meatier bottom end and has more life in general.

The combo is kind of like an amp simulator. You can make it sound good but it's still missing something.

That's my experience anyway
ok i've heard enough! i will avoid the combo and just wait for a good deal on the head. thanks! a lot for that