Need some opinions


Dec 6, 2005
Canada, Nova Scotia
Thought I would come to the Katatonia forum for some opinions on a song I made since Katatonia fans are usually the most open minded and non ignorant group of music lovers :)

Anyways, if you have a chance to listen; heres a track I made earlier tonight, its kinda slow and doom metalish, tell me if you liked it or hated etc. A few slip ups that its kinda late to fix now but yeah I need some feed back!

Probably host it on myspace if people enjoy it.
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i don't know wheter if my opinion will help or not, since most of the kata mates think of me as a poser lol!'s deep and sorrowful , but i did not like the "SUDDEN CHANGE" after the fourth minute.. thanx
SUDDEN CHANGE? hmm, after reading this I expected something really disturbing but I found the song to be very pleasant, as well as the songs on myspace. I like the slow, doomy, melodic style. Good stuff :) Fits well with this grey and cold autumn day...
fuck! i knew what happened..the file got damaged, and i just had to redownload there's no sudden change anymore...i do apologize!
Thanks for the comments and input everyone.

Hopefully some vocals will be put over it and I will host it on myspace, plus working on a few other songs, that I put much more time into then that one, so if you liked it hopefully my newer stuff will impress even more.
Late reply but I took the time to download it so for my own sake might as well reply and offer some belated feedback here it is;

Nice, like like it
quite haunting, nice melody