My Acapella Cover Of "Gone"

listened to it ,just didnt like it. no more i'll say cause dont want to be stoned.

my thoughts after reading all this argue:
it is easy to criticize people that you aren't familiar
(for one it's easy to crticize LifeDepraved art for another KittyKatatonias opinion)
I don't really care what anyone says, just keep it clean and productive. No ignorant remarks. This isn't something that I consider the best work I've ever done...not even close. Bottom of the basket.

But hailz for keeping everything peachy keen from here on out kthx?!
MAybe I was a bit harsh so sorry for that

but Lifedepraved, you seem to have wanted our critisim, and I just thought that given the level that is Katatonia, you might have started from somewhere a bit further up.. its takes a lot to sing well..

but i guess you have to start somewhere.. but sober is better!
I had a really clever message to post here, but of course after trawling through four pages I've completely forgotten it.

Katatonia rule!!!
Kev. Thanks for posting this. This forum in loves you......and no matter what posting something like this is not easy to do.....a naked voice rarely sounds good.......and I didnt think it was that bad......

kitty....I dont like you.....I dont feel you have ever posted anything of value.....I think you are probably 14 years old......if your going to be mean then go away.....we are "family" here......doesnt mean you have to lie to people about their posts but we try to be courteous here....if you cant then you dont belong here....

Il second that, though I was a bitch back in the day , you know? :P