need some opinions...

longcat warriors

According to metal-archives there's a few bands with bands with that name so you're bound to get sued by one of them. :p
there's 7 to be specific :lol:
Atropos is one of the Fates, so use the name of another Fate. How about Lachesis?
not a bad idea, i've considered that but it's probably already taken tbh. plus, it doesn't sound as cool as atropos

for those who don't know the pronunciation, it's uh-trop-oes
I think it would look cool as Athropos.

not a bad idea but i try to stray away from misspellings.

as for new names, i've been considering misanthropist (only one other band is called that but they're unsigned and broken up). they only thing i have wrong with it is that it's not a very catchy nor eye-grabbing name though it does fit with our lyrical concept perfectly
Do bands mind when people use their song titles as names for their whole band?

I mean obviously it would have to be something that there's aren't loads of songs with the same title.
Most metal bands don't care. They usually care for BAND names because that could take attention away or confuse people or whatnot.
I'm going to form a band called Black Sabbath, named after the title track of the eponymous Black Sabbath album.
Do bands mind when people use their song titles as names for their whole band?

I mean obviously it would have to be something that there's aren't loads of songs with the same title.

My ambient project is named after a Woob song, I don't see why an artist would mind, I'd be extremely flattered if someone used a song title or even an album title of mine for their band name. You'd have to be a right greedy bastard to try and get something out of an issue as trivial as that.
thanks for the idea of athropos V5, i've talked to my drummer and another friend and they thought the idea was pretty good... not to mention that the friend i asked has been working on a logo for us for months
Don't do that. Atropos (spelled with a tau, not a theta) is one of the Fates of Greek mythology. Changing it to a "th" will take away from the meaning. Either keep it Atropos or use another Fate's name, such as Lachesis which I suggested earlier.
And according to Metal Archives, there are 7 bands named Atropos.

There's only one other band called Lachesis, and they've only put out a demo.