Need some suggestion for sound treatment!


Oct 26, 2009
Hello people.

I've recently moved into a new apartment that is very big. The main room, in which I intend on recording drums, is about 1000 sq/ft and has 25 foot high ceilings. The acoustics are AWESOME in it. However, I know if I straight up put a drumset up and start recording I'll get the 'distant' sound rather than a nice upfront drum sound. I've been told by my uncle who is a producer/AE in santa cruz that it would be a great room for drums with a little treatment.

How would you guys go about treating such a room? I want the room sound, but I want precise overheads as well.. I have pics if you guys want to see.
Why don't you ask your uncle who is a producer/AE in Santa Cruz for advice? He seems to have an idea for what will work.

If you want dry overheads but a lively room sound you'll need to create some portable baffles. Encircle the kit with them and you'll have a relatively tight OH sound, and use room mics further back to bring in the ambiance. If you want the room sound to be good, make sure you invest in some diffusion (bookshelves don't count).
..., bass traps, ...will be your best friends here

This. $2k got me 10 prefab 2'x4'x7.5" traps. I only went prefab because I'm in the middle of a racking project. I feel like such an asshole not getting them sooner. Doubleplus good improvement during every stage of a session. I track drums in a 50'x60'x40' room with two walls being mostly glass. Greatness with the bass traps.
Why don't you ask your uncle who is a producer/AE in Santa Cruz for advice? He seems to have an idea for what will work.

If you want dry overheads but a lively room sound you'll need to create some portable baffles. Encircle the kit with them and you'll have a relatively tight OH sound, and use room mics further back to bring in the ambiance. If you want the room sound to be good, make sure you invest in some diffusion (bookshelves don't count).

I have, and he's given me some great advice, but I wanted to get advice from you guys too, because you are a lot more easy to interact with (he's sort of a flake).

I appreciate it ermz! I'm going to check that out. I'll post some pics very soon. And yes, this apartment is amazing! I came and checked it out and said "holy shit..... I can't wait to record here!"
It's about the same as creating standard acoustic treatment baffles, except you need to mount them on a stand of some sort. Wheels are a bonus too, but not necessary.

Check out the Gearslutz acoustics forum or John Sayers' to get tips on how to make broadband absorbers.