Need some tom head suggestions.

You guys prefer G2s as dampener heads?

But yeah to late, I'm good with my choice. I only went with G1s because I dig how that head sounds as the bottom head on my snare (even with the snares are turned off).

Whatever I'm sure I'll be fine. haha

I did consider emperors as well for the top, but ended up with powerstroke 3s based on what I looked up.
EC2's for top heads are great for faster type rock/metal because they don't resonate as much. I'm not a big fan of Evans heads so for most recordings I recommend Remo Pinstripes (for lots of attack) or Clear Emperors (a bit warmer, halfway between a coated head and a pinstripe). Ambassadors for the bottoms.
Im an Evans guy. I played EC2's for a couple years, but soon realized that I didn't like how it killed the high end attack. I feel like they're a better fit for a live situation. I much prefer G2's in the studio. Its a nice open head with a wide tuning range and a decent life span.

Also, u cant go wrong with pinstripes if your more partial to Remo.