Need something translated to swedish

;) Btw, gotta say it looks like a nice defret job, did you get it done by a profesional or did you do it urself:P? My defret job was kinda poor:/
Demonicbass said:
;) Btw, gotta say it looks like a nice defret job, did you get it done by a profesional or did you do it urself:P? My defret job was kinda poor:/

Myself, and rather proud of it :D

It was the second one I defretted. A few months before I'd done my cheap little Yamaha 4 string, wanted to get used to fretless neck and I didnt mind scrapping that bass, so I gave it a try. Worked out pretty good for a first job.

If you have another bass you want to defret, or if there's something that can be fixed on the job you say was "poor", I'll be glad to give you some advice. You can send me a PM telling me how you did it, maybe I can come up with a way to fix some stuff. :kickass: