Need to source some cables


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Where on the net can I grab some IEC female to male cables? I need about 8 of these.

I also need some BS1363 socket (UK mains power shape) to IEC male plug cables.

If you'd believe I've scoured the electronics retailers here in Oz, but none of them have these.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don't think Redco have any. Making mains power cables is also the last thing I would ever attempt myself. If I screw up the soldering on an XLR, I might drop a channel, or get too much noise. If I screw up a mains plug I can fry my gear or kill myself, and not necessarily exclusive of each other.

I also can't find anything down here. Oz is borderline useless for anything niche.
That's perfect dude, thanks. had that thought earlier today but never followed up! They have it all, the only problem is that the IEC to IEC cords are too short! Nevermind, I'll move the PC around if I have to.

Thanks a bunch.

Last follow up question then... where can I get these Furman adapter cables cheap online?
Found the IEC female to male connectors, thankfully!

Now all that's left is something like this for a cheaper price:

Picture here:
The premade IEC to IEC leads I just bought cost $4 AUD!

Thanks for the reassurance guys but I still don't feel right about doing so. Maybe down the track, but for now I'd just like to play it extra safe.
I don't think Redco have any. Making mains power cables is also the last thing I would ever attempt myself. If I screw up the soldering on an XLR, I might drop a channel, or get too much noise. If I screw up a mains plug I can fry my gear or kill myself, and not necessarily exclusive of each other.

I also can't find anything down here. Oz is borderline useless for anything niche.

Mains electricity isn't black magic dude. Wiring an IEC cable is FAR simpler than wiring an XLR cable. And the odds of your frying your gear/your ass is incredibly remote assuming you don't do anything really stupid like try to pull 13 amps through a length of bell wire....