Need websites for nevermore merch!


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2008
got any good ones? my boyfriends birthday is coming up and i really want to find him a nevermore hoodie or at least a shirt. bad thing is, it's sunday, so it'll be late. but i REALLY need someones help! :OMG:
JSR direct? wth is that? ah.. i tried ebay, but it just gave me shirts that don't come in the right size!

i need a place with either XL 2XL
Yeah, Will eventually falls for the trap.

You can also capture him in a box by leavinga trail of candy for him to follow.

" oh, piece of candy "

" oh, piece of candy "

" oh, piece of candy "

" oh, piece of candy "

hey, i think you could probably catch me that way to! they've tricked me into forgetting what i was talking about my saying candy...
oh foo. i can't look at the video. it will take too long to load...

there's no 2XL stuff on JSR...errrrrrr...
um. thanks for insulting my boyfriend i think? he has broad shoulders and big biceps. can't really help that an XL will rip, thanks

but thanks for the help anyways?