Need your help on this clip i'm working on!

Snare and kick are not so great. Some major woof on some of the guitar chugs. No bass, or at least I couldnt tell when my monitors were cranked up. Guitar perfomance was a bit sloppy in parts. Maybe slightly muffled.
Snare and kick are not so great. Some major woof on some of the guitar chugs. No bass, or at least I couldnt tell when my monitors were cranked up. Guitar perfomance was a bit sloppy in parts. Maybe slightly muffled.

interesting, those are slate samples =p. and yeah i didn't have a bass guitar so i tried doing it with my guitar. and i agree on the sloppy guitar , my apologies.
Doesnt matter what they are, if they're processed badly they will come out badly. You don't have to apologize either, at least not to me. This is what the Rate My Mix forum is for, my friend. I'm just doing my part. Now get cracking on the remix. :)
Doesnt matter what they are, if they're processed badly they will come out badly. You don't have to apologize either, at least not to me. This is what the Rate My Mix forum is for, my friend. I'm just doing my part. Now get cracking on the remix. :)

well i cant get started on the new one if i don't know what to fix. you only stated that they are not so great. and i did no processing what so ever.
Read up on drum processing or go to YouTube and look up drum mixing videos. You can't post a thread and expect to get a personalized tutorial on each aspect of a mix just because you asked. Think about it, there are hundreds of threads discussing all of these things right in front of you, you just have to take the initiative and go forth on your own accord. Listen, look, learn. Dodge, dip, dive, duck and dodge. that last part was kidding only. ha. I'm no oracle at delphi on this stuff either bro...and I'm in my 30's. We all have to keep diligently learning and not take the help we do get for granted. Only little children do that. It takes time (years) and patience to learn how to mix music well. No way around that, no special buttons or magic sliders will get you there quicker. FWIW I wish you luck on this, as I do everybody. And I did tell you what to fix btw. Just not how. That's all you.
^^^^^^^^^ there seems to be mis communication. i know what drum processing is and how to do it. You stated "Snare and kick are not so great". but you also didn't mention how i could make it better. are you saying process the drums? or change the samples
It would sound ok if the guitars were in time, the quality of it is good enough to be able to get a sense of how good the riffs are, but in terms of it being a finalized mix it's a long way off considering the drums are obviously programmed and need to be simplified a bit more to better accentuate the riffs, the quality of the guitars sound pretty good to me though, just gotta play'em in time