Need your help!


Thrash Metal Keyboardist
Sep 29, 2006
Stiens, Holland
Hi All,

First off, my apologies for this shameless spam!

My band Disintegrate(of which some of you got a cd or a sticker) has the opportunity to play as a suppport-act for the band NILE!

We've been selected as one of ten bands, on which people can vote. The last four will play a gig, where the audience will decide the definite winner!

So I ask you if you would be willing to vote for Disintegrate,

It can be done on this page:

Your efforts are most appreciated!


You can check out my band @



Je had me een CD gegeven, maar deze is helaas gebroken in mijn broekzak ... :Smug:
Misschien kun je de MP3'tjes online zetten, dat is beter dan die low-bitrate myspace muziek ;)
Thanx al lot! Please tell your friends?

Marcel: Did you like the cd?

To be honest, I haven't even had time to sit down much these past couple of days. (meeting up with Jaime + Henk, making sure Jana's entertained in Amsterdam, seeing Dream Theater and meeting up with the Chaos Divine crew again, etc) But I promise I'll give it a listen this weekend. Also, pm me your bank account #, cos I still owe you 5 euros for that CD, and I'm determined to pay up :p