Negative reps

The exact reason I tend to stay as sober as possible for concerts, saving the drinking for after the show. I wanna make sure the band is good, and that i'm not hearing something good because the alcohol fixed their tuning.

It depends. I guess if I truly want to study a given band and absorb both the act and sound, I'll go a bit easier on the bottle. Most times though, the bottle helps losen me up, and helps me to expend some energy, relax with friends and have a downright blast instead of cutting back on or omitting one of the best parts of a metal show.

The exact reason I tend to stay as sober as possible for concerts, saving the drinking for after the show. I wanna make sure the band is good, and that i'm not hearing something good because the alcohol fixed their tuning.

Beer + Metal = :kickass:

Who gives a shit about a band being 'sloppy'? Thrash it and thrash it hard! Goat forbid we turn into Dream Theater fans and stand there like statues, taking notes, and making sure all the notes fit neatly in the right place. :ill:
Haha, for a band that thrives on nothing but clean vocals, it's amazing they've got away with it for so long.

You know, I once did a review a long time ago for a Dream Theater album for and they didn't publish it because they said I was being offensive. All I wrote was that the "lead singer sounded like some ol' joe schmoe singing in the bath, warming up for a karaoke rehearsal. He should have been clubbed at birth".
Well, I broke my rule, haha.

Tonight I got guestlisted for slayer, and part of being guest listed is they assume you are over 21...

Not even beer could make slayer sound good, or energetic whatsoever, on this tour :/

As for standing around, I think its obvious I don't stand around much at a concert. I need not beer to mosh and wreck my neck if the band is truly awesome (I just needs afterwards to cure the pain). And in the case that I'm not "into" a band (Earthen for instance), I'll just go somewhere and talk to people :P