negura bunget

They have plenty of great songs, but really just get the albums.
Here are some songs:
Tesarul de lumini
Cunoaºterea tãcutã
Cel din urmã vis
Hora soarelui
'n Crugu Bradului I

Edit: here is a video:

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This is certainly a band that works far better listening to an album as a whole, rather than each song seperately. I'd definitely suggest getting their latest full-length, OM, or the previous one, 'N Crugu Bradului.

All their albums are great, though. You can't really go wrong with them.
I can't wait till they re-record Mãiastru Sfetnic, should be great, especially with better production (I hope).
^^^ seconded

unlike most bands pretty much all their songs rock, as well as most if not all of their albums.. you can't go wrong starting with the above album..