Negura Nazi?

Lier in Wait

Old Spunker
Dec 1, 2002
I've seen recently some Polish nazi black metal zine and they had there Negura Bunget from Romania... among bands like Graveland, Thor's Hammer, Godless North etc etc.. all of these bands are so called NSBM.... what's the connection of Negura with this movement?
Originally posted by MFH_Productions
its strikes me that most of you base your entire knowledge of psychology from what you see in cinema.

meanwhile, i sit here and continue earning my PhD.

:lol: Fair enough :) It's just an opinion, in exactly the same way that your musical tastes are completely subjective and in no way more valid or "correct" than anyone elses..

And one more post like the one you put up in the Opeth forum and you'll be banned..
What did he post in the Opeth forum? This MFH dude seems to have a problem with everything. He's starting to remind me of a more polite Smerkerman.

BTW . . . what would somebody of such vast knowledge of metal be doing in the Opeth forum. Talk about a poser!
Originally posted by npearce
What did he post in the Opeth forum? This MFH dude seems to have a problem with everything. He's starting to remind me of a more polite Smerkerman.

BTW . . . what would somebody of such vast knowledge of metal be doing in the Opeth forum. Talk about a poser!

Someone's friend had attempted suicide and MFH thought he'd post some comments about it :rolleyes:

I've realised one reason he gets on my tits so much is that his views on music are just like many religious preachers on their beliefs - he has an unshakeable believe his opinions have a higher validity than anyone elses..
all i said was that in effect the world is over-populated.

i post that in generalyl any topic concerning death

anyways, my problem, maybe why i 'preach' is that no-one understands the fact that metal has fundamental underlying core values, structures, principles, etc. traditions, and more.... also , no one understands anymore that art is objective, not subjective.
. . . and who is it that decideds exactly what these underlying core values, structures, principles, etc. traditions, and more are?

metal has fundamental underlying core values, structures, principles, etc. traditions, and more.... also , no one understands anymore that art is objective, not subjective.

Dude, don't get your panties in a bunch, but all rock'n roll is ENTERTAINMENT ... first and foremost! From Britney Spears to Aborym

Anything else you want to add to it is strictly your opinion. And that is all it is ... your opinion.
Originally posted by MFH_Productions
anyways, my problem, maybe why i 'preach' is that no-one understands the fact that metal has fundamental underlying core values, structures, principles, etc. traditions, and more.... also , no one understands anymore that art is objective, not subjective.

No, that is you subjective belief, it does not mean it is correct for any other people or objective in any way at all..

Out of interest, what are you studying for a PhD in?
musically speaking, tradition determines reality with respect to labeling.

metal has no traditions in christianity, hippies, techno, etc.

hate to present blatant facts to you. look at the developments

your 'subjective' crap is why people say 'korn is metal' ... yet, im sure you dismiss that as wrong... fact is, korn is NOT metal, neither is new aboooooooooooringym.

my PhD is in chemical engineering, and i guarantee you that i have displayed more intelligence in one day of my life than you have in all of yours.
Originally posted by lurch70
Dude, don't get your panties in a bunch, but all rock'n roll is ENTERTAINMENT ... first and foremost! From Britney Spears to Aborym

Anything else you want to add to it is strictly your opinion. And that is all it is ... your opinion.

that's the problem. you want ENTERTAINMENT .

i want ART.

art embodies integrity and ideology; entertainment does not.