

May 31, 2005
Just thought i'd see if anyone else is a fan of Neige's work - past and present, As well as a chance to introduce more people to the bands he's been involved in!

I am a huge fan of his 2 most recent bands, Alcest and Amesoeurs, and i like his old bands Mortifera and Peste Noire. However, from what i've heard of Lifelover.. They haven't really struck a chord with me.

Peste Noire

I'm sure he's in a shitload of other bands that i either can't remember or do not know of!
Amesoeurs is fairly similar to Alcest (which is his main band i do believe), but as i understand it.. Amesoeurs intends to venture into more electronic and rhythmic territory.
Good man! Ruines Humaines is a classy record which i've spent a lot of time listening to recently! Bonheur Amputé is just a brilliant opening track! I am intrigued to see where they will go in the future.. And i'm sure it will be good - it's Neige!

And my lord i seriously need the Alcest release! When not listening to Amesoeurs i've been listening to the samples on the myspace site. It looks set to be possibly even better than the Le Secret and Amesoeurs record!
For anyone interested i have just finished a powertab for Amesoeurs' song "Ruines Humaines". I will be putting it up onto Ultimate Guitar once i've finished checking it over completely, and i plan to try and tab out the other songs off the MCD.. And possibly from Neige's other musical ventures.

EDIT: Just working out some of the Amesoeurs stuff tonight has reminded me how great Neige is. I would go as far as saying that i think Neige has written some of the best riffs/progression ever.. Fucking legend!
anyone know if there's an american distributer of neige's material besides the new alcest?
"Souvenirs de'un Autre Monde" will be in certainly my top 5 this year. A beautiful album that for me, is great for nighttime walks and contemplation. Ameseours-"Ruines Humanes" is an excellent ep. I think we have found a really good talent here.
Alcest is definitely his best band, although my favorite track by him is probably "Bonheur Amputé" off of the Amesoeurs ep/mcd/album whatever the hell it's called. Peste Noire and Mortifera are quite good too.

Isn't he also in a band called Celestia?
Well, i don't think Neige has ever been in the band.. I am pretty sure Neige was in Peste Noire and Noktu had Celestia.
And didn't Neige leave Mortifera because of problems with Noktu? I know Bonheur Amputé and Ruines Humaines were intended for Mortifera, but he kept them for Amesoeurs when he left the band.